Pilot [4]

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The abduction was unexpected, forcing Oliver to change his plans. But what he told the police was true. The man in the green hood was in that warehouse, and he was just beginning.

Shabina prepared the tech aspects of their headquarters while Oliver readied the space and weapons. She watched hesitantly as Oliver opened the box that had arrived with them from off the island.

Oliver took out a bow.

Shabina pressed a button, and several tennis balls shot out and bounced across the room.

Oliver readied his bow and fired at each one, pinning each one to the wall.

Shabina's attention shifted to a new reel.

"The suit alleges that Hunt committed multiple acts," The reporter said off-screen, "of fraud and theft against the city's underprivileged. Laurel Lance, an attorney for the city necessary..."

Shabina opened Oliver's notebook and noted the name Adam Hunt.

Oliver looked over Shabina's shoulder. "Adam Hunt,"

His crimes go deeper than fraud and theft, but he's been able to bully, bribe, or kill anyone who's gotten in his way.

Shabina turned to where Oliver got his gear ready.

He hasn't met Oliver yet.


Shabina sat overhead in the shadows, ready with her bow and arrow, as Adam Hunt walked into the parking garage with his attorney.

"You remind Grell I put him on the bench, I can take him off," Adam said. "I will turn him into a cautionary tale,"

"Yes, Mr. Hunt," The attorney said.

"And this attorney, Laurel Lance. You said she wasn't going to be a problem anymore. I told you to fix that situation," Adam stopped as he realized his attorney was still there. "Why are you still here?"

As the attorney left, Shabina took it as her cue to fire her arrow at the lights, causing the parking garage to darken.

Oliver sent his first arrow into one of the guards.

"Get in the car!" The second guard ordered Adam.

Shabina ducked as the guard fired randomly.

Oliver jumped down. "Hey, you missed," he took down the guard and pulled Adam from the car.

"What? What? Look, just tell me what you want," Adam pleaded.

"You're gonna transfer $40 million into Starling City bank account 1141 by 10:00 pm tomorrow,"

"Or what?"

"Or I'm going to take it. And you won't like how,"

Shabina readied another arrow to protect Oliver as he walked away.

"If I see you again, you're dead!" Adam shouted after him.

Shabina let the arrow fly through Adam's car window. "Prick," she muttered as she disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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