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above Eraths atmosphere a space station was falling in the middle of the falling debri was a red robot his name is zero and he just got done Saving the world while falling through the atmosphere zero didn't see a Portal open up and it sucked him in . Zero was falling fast he hit the ground with a powerful BOOM *in Zeros mind zero finds x waiting for him* X what happened where I'm i we're in your mind x replies x then tells zero about what happened zero it's time to wake up zero suddenly snapps he's eyes open he scans his surroundings what he saw was a city then he looked up zeros servos opened wide in the sky was a big pentagram zero then got up from the crater he created he then noticed people but what he thought were Halloween costumes looking at him zero then decides to ignore them he walks off on a side walk that leads him to a shop with a lot of TVs on tvs there is an ad with a jingle playing it shows a couple of imps and a hell hound zero thought this people are really into their Halloween he stopped looking at the ad when he hears a screm coming from an Aly way zero dashes over there when he gets there he sees a demon woman being gained up on by 4 buff demons zero sneaks behind on of them and kicks the back of one of the demons knees the puches him wich send the buff demon flying through the air the demon hits the well he gushes blood of his moth and nose and is nocked out cold then he runs up to another demon and upper cuts him the he rushes the 3rd demon and head butts him the zero looks at the 4th demon and the demon runs away scared shitless zero the walks up to the demo woman are you alright ? Zero asked the demon woman replied y-yes I'm fine thanks for getting rid of them zero: it's no problem then he leaves the alley he starts walking aging when he looks at a building with horns on it he walks up to the double doors and walks in in the main lobby was a hell hound sitting stationed at a desk he walk up to her and asked excuse me I saw your ad and was wondering if could apply for this job loonas pov: I look up from my phone to see some dude with long blonde hair warning a white mask withe green lenses with a helmet he wear a red vest with yellow stripes on both sids and had palvis gard he also had red combat boots and he had six pack abs.I look back down to my phone the yell HEY BLITZ SOMEONE'S HERE FOR A JOB!!! after a few seconds a skinny demon with long crved horns came out of an office. blitz: welcome to i.m.p I'm blitzo the o is silent so you what a job zero: if it gets to do something sure. Blitz: alright then what are you good at guns swords wired vodo magic. zero: I'm good with saber.: Blitz wtf is a saber you know what never mind welcome to the team you Barby doll looking brik let's go meet the other's zero and Blitz walk to a meeting room where 2 small demons are sitting down one has white hair and the black hair Blitz: m&m meet our new recruit his name is..... what's your name?. Zero : zero the name is zero. Moxxie/millie: nice to meet you zero hop we get a long after that zero went out to imp city to explore this place he found out he was in hell though he has heard about heaven and he'll he really never cared about it being busy always fighting but he soon found a bar he went in and set down the bartender came over and asked: what would you like. zero:nothing I'm just relaxing thank you. Then someone busted through the door of the bar small fat imp cam in then behind him to buff hell hounds they set down next to zero the pimp then order's a drink but forcefully pimp: HEY BITCH GIVE ME A ROUND OF WISKY AND MAKE QUICK!!!! Bartender yes s-sir *zero gave the pimp a side glance * zero* wait I'll have a glass of water the pimp looks at zero with an angry expression pimp you have some nerve boy zero looks at him and replied shut it the pimp then tells he's bodyguards to attack zero all of a sudden they stopped in their tracks then half of their bodies fall down to the ground then he buster shots the pimp zero the digs in the pimps pockets and pulls out some money and take it then he leaves the Baer

 Then someone busted through the door of the bar small fat imp cam in then behind him to buff hell hounds they set down next to zero the pimp then order's a drink but forcefully pimp: HEY BITCH GIVE ME A ROUND OF WISKY AND MAKE QUICK!!!! Bartender...

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Well that's it like I said if anyone wants to take this story up go ahead I really hope someone does I want to see how creative someone can get anyway goodbye and stay awesome my friends.

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