Autumn Winners

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Winners were chosen by our Headmistress 


1st Place:


"I absolutely adored how you captured Autumn, the zest, the hues and the spells that all tied it all together. There was something cushy and comforting about it. The addition of the romance, pardon Hagrid for being a party pooper, I know who to root for because this couple is absolutely adorable!"

Read Dianne's piece here:

2nd Place:


"Believe me when I say this was a tough call but Bella takes the lead in this Autumn twist! Bella, you've taken the prompt and made it your own. I enjoyed how you gave Autumn an almost winter-like feel simply by the thoughts and emotions of a unique character's viewpoint! Now I know you're an AO3 person so I will follow you there"

Arrow's piece will be showcased in the following chapters along with her AO3 profile.

3rd Place:

The Dark Lord

"I am in awe of your writing. The prompt blended in so well with the story, I didn't even notice it was the prompt! Now that's talent. You've set the mood of a magical Autumn - pun intended - and created quite the setting! The imagery was spectacular and you deserved a sort of the prize with second place because I honestly couldn't decide between the two!"

You can read The Dark Lords piece in the following chapters.

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