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Htt's POV

I've got them. I've finally got them. My whole life has been leading up to this moment...

Only, it's not that easy any more, is it? I can't just take their powers. That won't make me the one true hero.

I want to be the one true hero.

I'll have to prove myself, somehow. Maybe by killing them? No, that won't do. Not that simply. Anyway, I don't want it to be over for them that quickly.

Perhaps I should ask Setswai. She helped me get my power, surely she could take theirs...

Or not. But I think she can help me. A voodoo witch is always nice to have around. I know a little of the art, yes, enough to know how to brew complex potions, avoid death, steal souls.... Oh. Oh, that's good.

If I can steal their souls, the powers will follow.

To steal their souls, I'm going to need them to experience an extremely strong emotion. Fear, pain... Such a waste of good emotions, unfortunately, not strong enough. No, I need them to be consumed by it, for it to fill up their heart, until... I take back what's rightfully mine.

What's a good emotion? That mangy cat would probably say something soppy like love, or friendship... pah. I'd kill that idiot Squishy (IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE WRONG!) and all his little friends in front of him.

No, no, stop. We can't kill them yet. I want to, so, so , much, but I can't, it would spoil the pl-


Now there's a strong emotion.

Strong enough for the magic, certainly.

So, how should I get them to be consumed by it? To want, to desire, to think of absolutely nothing else?

What do they want most in the world?

To be free, probably. To see me die. How amusing. And their leader... he thinks himself worthy of the ultimate power. He could live a thousand lives and never be worthy. When I have them begging for mercy at my feet, I will kill him first, I think.

So, I shall offer them a chance for what they want. Perhaps, something they must do to get it. Then they shall want to do that thing, and their wants will grow and multiply.

And then I shall take their souls.


Htt is messed up.

Anyways, here's the start to my new book, hope everyone enjoys...

Oh, and this book probably won't feature much of you guys' OCs... sowwy :(

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