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Squaishey's POV

Squaishey sank down onto the grassy floor. The sight of a vast cave opening directly in front of her was not the one she last remembered, so she presumed Lee had hypnotised her, just for a second, seen this, and gone to tell the others. Panting slightly, she laid back, her fur rubbing against the furs that grew everywhere in this forest, and her eyes closed.

And sprang open seconds later as she heard a zombie groaning. She got quickly to her feet, looking warily about her, and her eyes fell on the cave, its inside more than dark enough for mobs to spawn in. Squaishey ran backwards, and climbed a tree, careful to keep to the thick trunk.

From her high vantage point, Squaishey could see further down into the cave, and make out more dark shapes moving around. More hostile mobs. Squaishey shivered slightly, and stayed where she was, hoping the other would come soon.

A shout, she didn't know how much time later, startled her from her uneasy half-sleep.
"Stampy?" she yelled back hopefully, but even as she said it, she realised the voice had come from somewhere different, from.... the cave?

"No, just me." Chuckled Gigi as she walked out of the cave "Though now we're all bears, I don't really get how we're supposed to tell the difference."
"Gigi!" squealed Squaishey, and she slid down the tree to, well, bear-hug her.

Gigi laughed and hugged back, then pulled away. "How are you guys? I mean, we've all been hearing reports from everyone, but y'know, it's been what, a couple of hours since Sylvia got back."
"A couple of hours??" It had been at least a day or so since the last task at least, as far as Squaishey remembered. Gigi must've seen the look on Squaishey's face, as she put an arm around her reassuringly.

"It had to take some time for Target to transport her back. Plus I was probably unconcious for a while." Squaishey nodded, then a thought surfaced in her mind, like a piece of a jigsaw slotting into place with a preexisting suspicion.

Gigi had come from the caves where Target's mobs ruled unharmed.

And she knew an awful lot about his plans.

Squaishey growled in the back of her throat and her claws flexed. For the first time she was glad of her bear form as she felt her muscles tense, ready to leap.
"Squaishey? What are yo-" Gigi's voice was cut off as Squaishey sprang forwards, cutting of her windpipe and pushing her to the ground.

"Traitor!" She yelled, fury in her eyes. Gigi struggled against her weight, moving so she could talk a little.
"No. W-why would Tar-target send me?" she croaked in reply.
"To trick us!"
"N-no! He wants to- to split us up! An-and it's working!"

Her words sent a jolt through Squaishey and she fell back, panting slightly. Her vision cleared in time for her to see Gigi push herself to her feet and retch.

"I'm- Oh Notch, I'm sorry. I didn't- you don't.... you don't know what it's like. Here, I mean. Notch, you're afraid all the time." She muttered ashamedly, her voice breaking as tears began to fill her eyes.

Gigi seemed to be fighting an inner battle. Finally, she looked down, her voice thick.

"I'll help you guys. Notch knows I have to. But for now... I can't stay here for now, knowing that's how much I'm trusted. I-I'm sorry." Squaishey bowed her head, crying properly now. She could tell from the sound of soft pawsteps fading away into the distance that Gigi was padding away into the forest, and when she looked up, Gigi was gone.

Such a great birthday present Gigi_The_Otaku XP I'm sorry.
Hahaha jk :3

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