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Your POV

We swung at the top of the collider with the rest of the Spider-Gang. This was our final goodbye.

"Guess this is it." Gwen said.

"Well, nice to know you're not alone. Right?" Peni asked.

"Yeah." Gwen replied.

We all looked at each other. We want to go home... but part of us want to stay.

Miles punched in a code.

"I got the portal open. You first Peni." Miles said as he twisted the goober.

She smiled.

"Thank you Miles, from both of us." The tiny spider in her hand looked sadly at me. I pityingly pat Peni's shoulder. She let go.

Miles punched in another code.

It was Noir's turn. I was gonna miss him.

He showed us the Rubik cube that he had tried to solve.

"I'm taking this with me, I don't really understand it...but I will." He concludes before taking off.

"See you around dame." He nods towards me.

I wave a small salute towards the black and white man as he disappeared inside the collider.

"I want you to have this," I hear Spider-Ham say, handing Miles a cartoonishly looking hammer. "It'll fit in your pocket."

He looks at me. I put my hand on his head and patted it.

"I shouldn't have called you a Looney Tune... I'm sorry pork."

"That's all folks." He winks at me when he joins the others before him.

"Is he allowed to say that? Legally?" Says Peter.

I chuckle.

Gwen is next. I let her and Miles have their moment as I zone out a little.

"They're adorable. I ship it." I whisper in Peter's ear.

"Me too." He whispered back.

My eyes wandered over to the beautiful yet catastrophic particles emerging from the collider. Floating around us and creating a surreal universe of twirling colors. I waved as Gwen joined the spotted blur.

"(Y/n), Peter. You're next." I hear Miles say.

My breath hitched. I didn't wanna go back, anything but that. I didn't even have anything to go back to. My universe was gone.

When the collider took me away I was in the middle of disarming a bomb (which for some reason was placed on my suit, and I had discovered it a bit too late while trying to kill myself for the nth time that week) that could've destroyed the universe. I had almost done it, almost succeeded disarming it, when a portal opened up beneath me and sucked me away, transporting me to another universe. The bomb went off right as was I warped inside the weird black hole, destroying my universe. And only then I realized, that I was doomed from the moment I set foot in this one.

I shook my head, I didn't know what was gonna happen if I jumped.

"You gotta go home, man!" Miles said as he noticed both me and Peter being reluctant.

Peter's eyes were focused on me, with a look that I knew too well. It was the same look that he shared with MJ when they first met. Also the same look that he shot me on our first night out. That same look that he had, when he had kissed me for the first time. I knew that look anywhere. He was lovestruck.

"Peter." I smiled, and a pause followed. This was about to hurt. A lot. "Have fun with MJ." I grabbed him by the suit and pulled him into a short kiss. Peter didn't kiss back, as he was in too much of a shock.

"Whoa! When did you two go from friends to couple?" Miles asked. "Way to go, man!" He exclaimed as he gently punched Peter on the shoulder.

I winked at him, since I knew exactly what he wanted to say to me when I got hit by the debris. I already knew. But, it could never happen.

"Goodbye, Peter." I whispered. "You too Miles. Take care."

Peter was left flustered on the ceiling of the collider. I swan-dived towards the portal and closed my eyes, letting the particles engulf me.

Was this the end? Is this how I die?

I had just gotten Peter back.

Was this how I wanted it to end?

I closed my eyes. This is it, guys, I'll miss you.

As soon as I entered the portal, I felt like I hit the water. I was running out of breath. Everything was cold, and dark. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. My body felt like it was burning. I'm sorry Miles. I'm sorry Noir. Porky, you looney tune son of a pig, I'll miss you. Peni, we had fun talking about anime. I disappointed you guys. And..... I'm sorry Peter. I wish we had more time. God I've been choking for a really long time.

I open my eyes to see myself in a weird place. A black room.

"What the?" I look around. Something wasn't right. I was supposed to be dead. Or drifting between dimensions.

"It's been a long time, (Y/n)" I hear a familiar voice.

"O'Hara?" I turn around. I never thought I'd hear that voice again.

"Welcome back, Spiderkiller." He smiles.

Spiderkiller:    Spider-Man into the Spider-verse~Peter B. Parker x reader~Where stories live. Discover now