Chapter 3

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One day, after a long day at work, Otto returned home to find Max lying listlessly on the floor. His normally energetic and playful dog seemed lethargic and uninterested in his surroundings. Concerned, Otto called the veterinarian and learned that Max had developed a serious health condition and had only four days left to live.

Otto was devastated by the news. He had always known that Max would not be with him forever, but he had never expected their time together to be cut so short. Despite his grief, Otto knew that he had to be strong for Max. He vowed to make the most of their remaining time together and to show Max just how much he was loved.

Over the next few days, Otto took Max on all of his favorite walks and made sure to give him extra treats and cuddles. He even cooked Max's favorite meals and spent hours sitting by his side, talking to him and reminiscing about all of the adventures they had shared.

The Last Sunset with my Golden friendWhere stories live. Discover now