*Chapter 24*

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•Gwen's Perspective•

"What did I do?" I whisper to myself. I stare at the black smoke radiating off of my hands, I soon realise my whole body had black smoke coming off like steam.

I look at Tray who is now standing and staring at me in disbelief.

"Youuuu-you're not normal, not what we thought. No normal witch." she said quietly as if thinking out loud.
"You wait until they find out!" Ren yelled at me.
"They'll kill you! and you won't see it coming" he quickly speed out of the room.
"They will kill you" Tray whispered as she speed away, following Ren.

"They weren't the things?" I whisper to myself.

All four boys came speeding through the door, Troye panting behind.

"What happened? Gwen!" Niall and the boys asking questions.
"Tray and Ren happened" Harry grumbled.

"And Gwen discovered her true self." Harry finished.

I felt my blood boiling.

"I want answer, now! no fucking around." I stand staring at them.

"Maybe some other time" Zayn starts toward the door.

I stare at the door wishing it would close on his face.

Suddenly the door slams shut just as he's about to walk through.

"Now!" I point to the living space.

"Or so help me I'll shoot someone in the face!" they all look at me then walk into the living area and sit down. Zayn rubbing his face.

"Now first. Who were they?" I stare intensely at the boys.

"That was Tray and Ren, they're like puppets to the 'things'." Liam answers.
"What are they? Tray and Ren" I cross my arms over my chest.
"Ren and Tray are bats, the first kind of their breed of vampire. But they got over ruled soon by the 'things' and were and are now controlled by them" I nod.
"Okay. What are all you powers or whatever?" I ask.
They all shuffle in their seats uncomfortably.
"Harry can make you hallucinate, Louis can show you the past if you touch his hand or he can read your past whatever he decides, Niall can hallucinate and see things in the future, Zayn can read your mind and I can heal the injured with my touch on the wound." Liam answers for the boys.
"You made me hallucinate a few hours ago!" I yell at Harry.
"But my next question." I breath in slowly through my nose, calming myself down.

"What am I?" my teeth chattering nervously.
The room goes silent for ten minutes. Seconds tick by on the clock sitting on the table.
Finally Harry answered.
"You're a witch. The only witch of your kind. There are element witches, Time, and a few others but you're like a...a witch that can control it all. You can do it all. And you only have just discovered that tonight, through all you're lives you were oblivious and we planned on keeping it that way. But now you know and it's dangerous because you magic is like a map for the 'things' to you. And when you die you don't die. Your body dies but your spirit wonders until it finds a body similar to your last one." Harry explains in great detail.

I stare at him speechless.

I don't speak, just stand and walk to my room.

I'm a witch.





I sit in my room confused, Should I be angry? sad? confused? happy? finally finding out answers that I wanted.
This whole thing has been answers.
My family, myself, the society I live in.

It's a hidden society where the dead walk amongst us. The half breeds live with us. The monsters hide from us.

The fucked up reality dawns on me. I'm a witch. A witch. Living with vampires. Lived with a vampire hunter, a lying mom, a werewolf brother. Living with a false identity, a false life, a false reality.

Living in a pool of lies.

Stuck in a unforgiving world, where the dead should be dead and people and things should not become half breeds. New creatures with two forms. Fur and naked. Tails and bones that change.

I sit a decide that I'm confused. I feel empty. Nothing. Lost.

My body a floating cloud, amongst grey clouds, thunder, lightening and ran.

A white cloud slowly changing to be like the others.

But this cloud will stay its individual because an individual is different, it has more purpose then being the same.

But that's not me.

I'm a small fish in a the deep darks of the ocean surrounded by other ugly fish that the pretty fish are scared off. We are the dangerous fish. The killing fish. The cruel and heartless fish. Were the thunder in the black clouds. Dangerous, missing by centimetres.

We are creatures that shouldn't have ever existed. Things that should never be known of. Things that should stay in books and movies because that's where we belong. Where it's safe for the others, this nation and world.

But no we aren't. We are here and we should be feared.

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