Chapter 34

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There was something heavy on my head. I raised my hands and tore it off, blinking as I tried to get a clear vision. The object was cold under my fingers, it was white and held multiple crystals. It almost looked like a.. crown? I frowned and looked around me, my hand falling to my side as I clutched the crown. I looked to my left and found a woman with dark purple hair staring back at me.

"Nice outfit," Viper grinned. "Looks a lot more comfortable than this." She gestured at her white dress and long cloak covering her shoulders. In her hand was a curled up staff and on top of her head was an odd hat.

"What is.. that?" I gestured at her objects.

She frowned. "I'm guessing you don't know much about religion? This is a Crosier, and the hat is a Mitre. It's a thing bishops wear in Catholic religions." As I let her information sink in, my eyes trailed from her outfit to my own. I soon realized I was wearing what could almost be qualified as a wedding gown. The bodice was made of lace, hugging my curves like a glove, while the skirt was loose and flowing around until the ground. The outfit matched the crown perfectly and a small belt was wrapped around my waist. My hands grazed over my back and when I felt cold metal under my fingertips, I realized the belt wasn't fully decorative. I slowly raised the crown and put it back on my head, before petting the back of my head to realize my black hair was put up in an elaborate updo. I pulled up the dress and took a look at the high, also white, heels beneath. They looked awfully uncomfortable, but it wasn't that bad really. I assumed that would be until I began to walk.

I focused my attention back on Viper. "What is going on? Why does it look like I'm about to walk down the aisle and you'll be the one officiating the wedding?"

She laughed loudly. "Sure we can do that, but I'm not so sure you have the right fiance next to you." I instantly spun around to face the man on my right and was greeted with honey blonde hair.

"Amancio," I breathed. He was also covered in white, with a white tuxedo and matching shoes and crown. They made his hair look almost golden; he looked insanely handsome. A slight panic erupted inside me when I noticed his eyes were closed and he was entirely unmoving. Thankfully, Viper didn't wait for my question before explaining.

"He's still in the last challenge," she spoke up, "I'm not surprised; it was a damn difficult one. I am never doing it again. Whoever thought of the idea to let players 'fight their worst fear' is a scrapping sadist."

"What was your challenge?" I wondered.

She looked a little uncomfortable for a moment. "I'll tell you another time, okay? I really don't want to think about it right now." I nodded, understanding her hesitancy. It had been an insane challenge, I had no idea what to think about my own, let alone anyone else's. I was grateful when she didn't ask about mine, instead putting her attention on the man behind me.

"Amancio, good you're awake! Only two left then," she said.

"What a shady- shady shitty challenge," he cursed, stumbling over his own words and running his hand through his hair. In doing so, he pushed his crown off his head and it fell down onto the marble ground with a loud thud. As I looked down at the crown, I realized he was standing on a black square, where as I was standing on a white one.

Suddenly it hit me. We were standing on a chess board. Amancio was the King, Viper was the Bishop, I was.. the Queen, apparently. I shook the revelation off for a moment and reached out to touch Amancio, only to realize there was an invisible wall around my square. We hadn't finished the Challenge of Strength yet; apparently we were only just beginning.

"Are you okay?" I asked instead.

Amancio's eyes found mine and he sighed, before reaching down and grabbing his crown. "Yeah," he murdered and his next word was barely a whisper, only meant for my ears. "Parents." I instantaneously understood what he meant; his worst fear was his parents. That's who he was forced to fight in the last challenge. I couldn't help but feel bad for him, he didn't deserve to be put through that.

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