Plans For The Weekend

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I didn't have anything to do this weekend so I walked over to my good friend Tori, to ask her if she had planned anything, she was standing by her locker, talking too her older annoying sister, Trina. "Hey." Did I say "Hey." Said Tori happy while she faced me "Do you have any plans this weekend?" "Hum yes, I'm going to Santa Barbara with my parents, sorry." "It's okay." "But I don't have any plans." Said Trina "You don't?" Did Tori and I ask at the same time "Well I mean I don't have to go to Santa Barbara." "Yes you have, it's grandpa's birthday." Said Tori "Shush." "Don't worry, go to Santa Barbara, I'll talk to you later." Did I say while I walked away, not really wanting to do anything with Trina "Kay bye." Said Tori.

I walked over to Andre and Robbie to ask them the same question "Hey guys." "Hey." Did they say "So you guys have any plans for the weekend?" "Yeah, gotta bring my grandma to the hospital." Said Andre "What happened?" "She fell off the stairs." "Ouch." I faced Robbie now "Sorry but my little cousin is coming over so my mother really wants me to stay home." Said Robbie "It's okay. Talk to you later kay?" "Kay see ya." Said Andre "Bye." Said Robbie.
I was thinking, with who else I could hang out this weekend. Maybe Cat? Altho she's probably doing something with Jade, they hang out much more since we broke up. I walked over to Cat, who of course was talking to Jade by her locker. "Hum hey Cat." Did I say "Hi!" Did she greet happily, Jade continued putting some books in her bag.

Cat's POV

"I was wondering, would you like to hang out with me this weekend?" Asked Beck, too bad I have plans, but hey Jade doesn't! And I miss Beck and Jade together, maybe they'll become friends again if they hang out, maybe even more, how awesome would that be?! "I would, but Robbie already invited me to come over when he's family's there, but Jade doesn't have any plans." I saw Jade facing me angrily, I knew that was a very bad sign, also Beck faced her somewhat uncomfortable about the idea.

Jade's POV

Why did Cat have to say that?! I don't wanna hang out with Beck. I mean it's not that I don't wanna, I actually want it really bad, but, ugh my life's complicated. I just faced Cat angrily and faced Beck wondering what he would say about it.

Beck POV

I don't know if I wanna hang out with Jade, she's probably gonna say mean things about Tori and I's friendship, altho she said she wasn't mad about us hanging out at the animal hospital so maybe she won't, but she and my best friend Moose kissed, so, well I don't know, ugh my life's complicated. I saw her staring at me and now she knew I didn't have any plans and neither does she so I can't lie to her right now, by the way I'm a horrible liar so, I should probably just ask her out... As friends of course. "Well if you want to Jade, maybe we could hang out this weekend?"

Jade's POV

Whoa he just asked me to hang out with him, should I say yes? "Hum okay what do you wanna do?" Did I ask way less excited than I actually was at the inside "I don't know, maybe eat somewhere together and then go see a movie?" "Okay sure, what movie?" "I don't know, I think there's a new horror movie in the theaters, wanna see?" "Sure." "Cool." We just stood there, smiling awkwardly at each other, the bell rang "I gotta go to class, hum see ya, I'll pick you up at 12?" "Kay." Did I say, he left and I closed my locker "Yay, you're hanging out with Beck." Said Cat while we walked to class "Why yay?" Did I ask acting like I didn't know why "Oh just hum, did you know I bought mister purples a necklace, how awesome is that?" "Yeah fantastic." Did I say sarcastically, with a little smile on my face, because she is the worst liar ever.
The next morning, when I was ready to go I waited nervously in the kitchen where my mother unfortunately joined me "Where're you going?" Did she ask "Hanging out with Beck." "With Beck?" "Yes, with Beck so?" I was acting like it wasn't a big deal, while it actually was a huge deal "Oh hum nothing." I sighed, I heard a horn, that meant Beck was there, "Kay bye mom." "Bye sweetie." "Don't call me like that!" She sighed and I walked outside.
"Hey." Did I say while I sat down in Beck's car, it had been such a long time since I've sit there next to Beck in his car "Hey." Did he say, he started the car "So where do you wanna eat?" Did Beck ask "Don't care." Did I say bored "What about that restaurant near the theater, we used to go there pretty often." I sighed, thinking of every single moment we've spend there when we were still dating "Okay." Did I say simply. We finally arrived and we hadn't talked the entire ride.

Beck's POV

We finally arrived, we stepped out of the car and went to the restaurant. "Hello." Said the waiter "Hello." Did we both say, he showed us our table and we sat down. "Hello, would you like to order some drinks?" Said a waitress "Oh wait I know you, you are Beck and Jade." Did she continue recognizing us from the last times that were months ago so we said "Yes." Ugh why did she recognize us, I'm almost sure about what she'll ask next "You're dating right?" I knew it "Hum, we were, but not anymore, we kind of broke up some months ago." Did I say very uncomfortable "Oh I'm sorry, but you're friends?" "I guess." Answered Jade annoyed "Oh, I'm so sorry for bothering you with all my question." "It's okay, don't worry" "You're here to take our order not to ask us about our personal life." Said Jade aggressive and annoyed "Oh, hum, so what would you like to have?" "Blue Dog Soda please." Did I order "Same for me." Said Jade annoyed "Okay, I'll be right back." Said the waitress and she finally left, leaving Jade and I kind of uncomfortable, most of the time when Jade's alone with me, she's way softer and nicer, only this time was different, this time we weren't dating. "So what's up?" Did I ask, kind of trying to start a conversation "Nothing... You?" "Not much." I smiled to her pretty awkwardly, Jade is probably the only girl who wouldn't like to hang out with me, even if we go to a fun restaurant.

Jade's POV

This was the worst and most awkward date I've ever had with Beck, altho this isn't a date, but you know what I mean, like when you compare this to our dates, it's horrible. The waitress came again and gave us our drinks "Would you like to order some food now?" We ordered some foods and she left again. "Did you have fun with Moose?" Did he ask me, did he know what happened between us? I really don't want him to know, why not? 'Cause he'll think I love Moose, what isn't true, and if he thinks that he'll never take me back ever again, not that I want that, I mean... Ugh you know I do want that, I think I was turning red but I did my best to hide it "What do you mean?" Did I ask annoyed, trying to hide my kind of humiliation "Well, ya know, that night when you weren't at Karaoke Doki." "Why? What do you know?!" Did I ask aggressive "I mean hum ugh you know what happened right?" Did I say calmer "Yes." Did he say while he sighed "He told you?" "Yup." I started getting very angry at the inside, that stupid moron told my ex boyfriend while I said multiple times he shouldn't, altho I would probably have told him sooner or later.

Beck's POV

I don't know if I should have asked that but I really wanted to know her reaction or something or maybe I was just curious or maybe I'm kinda jealous. What?! I'm Beck Oliver! I'm not jealous!! "And, hum, you like him? Like hum ya know like like?" I never say "Like like." And I'm never uncomfortable around girls so why am I around her.

Jade's POV

Beck was obviously jealous, and I kinda liked it, especially because we aren't even dating, the only issue was that I had to answer this question Jade-ish "Hum, no, I'm not, I mean..." The waitress interrupted us by giving us our foods and then left. Maybe he forgot our conversation, I hope so. I quick started eating "Jade you didn't finish your sentence." Did he say, ugh why isn't Beck stupid, that would've been so much easier "Look, I'm really not in love with him, okay? Can we eat now?!" Did I say aggressive, hoping it would work, 'cause there's no way I'm gonna tell him I'm still in love with him. "Okay okay, calm down, it was just a question." Did he say calm, I sighed, ugh why do I feel the need to apologize, I talk like that to everybody and don't care but I don't like talking like that to Beck while he didn't even do anything wrong "Sorry, I just don't wanna talk about it... Okay?" Did I say calm.

Beck's POV

I was surprised she said that, I really didn't expect it, this was the Jade I was used to "It's okay, if you don't wanna talk about it you don't have too. By the way it's none of my business so I should never have asked you this." "It's okay." Did she say nice and we smiled at each other, but finally this time not awkwardly, maybe this, hum, not date, won't be that bad.

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