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Paula's pov - 1998
Y/n has been hanging out with Stuart and it's been getting on my fucking nerves, so I made Stuart stop communicating with her, Stuart said he got accepted into a band by a man called Murdoc, I play the guitar and they needed a guitarist so obviously accepted, but, when I saw Murdoc with is greasy hair,  green skin and crispy ass lips I thought, ooh he's the one for me.🧍

                     3rd person pov
Y/n was watching "2D" as Murdoc would  call him for the two dents in his head, we would meet up and talk less and less after Stuart started living in Kong studios, it had a lot of rooms and was in a haunted grave site, you have only been there out the front to pick up and drop off 2D and sometimes see him at the shops but you never came up to him personally,
you liked listening to there songs but it made you sad because the only thing you could think about was Stuart, so you decided to finally go talk to him.

I finally worked up the courage to go to "kong studios" you drive up to the long path it was raining heavily but you didn't go back, you got out of your car and locked the door, you slowly walk up to the door, drenched in water until you heard yelling and Paula came out the door and storm past you, she didn't seem to notice you but you opened the door a bit more to see what was happening.

Murdoc past out on the floor with blood on his nose and lips, Stuart crying and and a big man with his arms crossed shaking his head,
The big guy who you found out was Russel, let you step inside out of the rain
"Thanks russel, hey Stu"
Stuart looks up which you could tell lit up his face a little,he jumped over the couch almost tripping over Murdoc he flew in your arms and hugged me tightly.
"Who's this D?"
"This is my old co-worker y/n"
Stuart still having his arms around your shoulder pushes you slightly toward Russel
"Careful man"
"Oh sorrey!"
You look around then Murdoc on the ground
"What the hell happened to him?"
Russel walks over and picks him up as if he was just a feather
"Caught him having an affair with Paula"
Russel dropped him which made him stir
"What the fuck"
You badly wanted to kick him but you turned to Stuart starting to cry again
"You better go up to his room I'll deal with this guy" 2D still breaking down slowly stumbled to his room which you following him holding him up, he gives in laying down and sobs into his pillow, you lay next to him rubbing his back, after a bit he fell asleep you put the blanket over him a kiss him in the forehead, you go back down the long halls of kong to the lounge room where you saw Murdoc drinking and Russel in the kitchen, you tried to quickly get your bag and slip back to Stuart's room but Murdoc saw you and walking over to you
"What do you want?"
he keeps walking towards you pinning
you on the wall
you kick at him but he doesn't let you go
"Why?"  The
He licks his lips and bites you on your neck while Russel turns the corner to see what was happening he runs and rips Murdoc off of you, you grab your bag and run up to Stuart's room which he was sitting but wondering what was happening
You slam the door sliding down while hold your neck
"wot happened?"
He gets out of the bed a walks over to you, he moves your hand off your neck where Murdoc bit you ( gross ) Stuart wraps his arms around you for a bit and takes you to his bed he moves the blanket over both of you, after a while you both fell asleep on each-others arms till the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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