Escaping the Festival! Maki wakes up!

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~ Creator (yes me the writer of this novel) ~

My stories have been kind of cringe and not good lately so starting from now I will be less comedic with these stories, 

~ Novel ~

Asuka makes a run for it, Meanwhile, Maki is stuck in a dream where he is a marine captain (his dream), This improves his skill because he is more serious and dedicated to this job, The dream ends after 2 hours, Asuka found a safer spot as Himari is using her springs to jump around and find them, Maki wakes up, in the same spot he was when he was knocked out,

M: Where am I?

Maki falls asleep again

A: Damn, I do not know where I am!

H: Look who found you.

She says with a sadistic smile,

A: Oh Fu-

Asuka runs and leaps toward a trash bin tipping it down and making Himari trip.


H: Shut the fuck up, Bitch.


Himari jumps out and snipes a spring on his head effectively knocking him down.

Maki wakes up seeing Asuka's head bleeding,

M: The fuck?

H: Heh, Look who woke up.

Maki suddenly sees dead marines on the floor

M: Since when were these here?

H: I see you want to be a marine, I have no problem with you being dead like them!

M: Oh shit

Maki leaps and grabs the marine captains cape (Writer Note: just imagine him looking like the cover of this novel which might also change in the future)

M: Now, We can fight.

(Writer Note: I suck at making action scenes)
Maki strikes with a fist to the face, But Himari grabs his fist and knocks him down


H: Go with them, in the Afterlife

H: Afterlife Blade! Constant Reap!


Himari constantly slashes him with her blade but Maki stays standing.

M: I will not let people like you, Destroy my life.

H: Hm,

Himari slashes again but this time around, Maki dodges, Having learnt the algorithm of her brain and how she calculates where to slash and how much power and effort to put into those slashes,

H: Tough one I see.

M: You don't think?

Maki goes first with a move he planned to conjure up for only the strongest opponents

M: Dragonwave...


Maki strikes with heatwave he created using his veins and heats up his fist to effectively knock out Himari with ease, and the plan goes well as Himari faints from the heatwave and Maki strikes.

M: Karma is a bitch, just like you.

Maki tries to find Asuka, and succeeds but Asuka is still bleeding,

M: Asuka??

Asuka wakes up, Feeling he needs peanuts.

A: I need...

M: No more peanuts for you.

A: Damn it. Where are we?

M: We are still here, We should probably explore before going,

A: Yes, Good Idea.

They explore around the Festival and find something...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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