Chapter 15.

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"Woah." Alistair and I said at the same time.
"Did yer know about this King and his powers?" I whispered to Alistair.

"Pearl mentioned her father and said he was the king of their world but I never imagined his powers to be this great." He whispered back.

The man turned to look at us and I slightly shook when he did. The water brought him up to our eye level and he spoke with a booming voice.

"Alistair, Lana. I thank you and your crew for fighting for me and my people. Normally pirates are the ones who fight us and not for us." He chuckled, a deep rumbling in his chest.

My eyes widened in surprise. I can't be the only one who expected this man to be cold and unapproachable. Here he was laughing heartily as he scoured all our faces.

"Pearl and the mermaids have helped me greatly and healed my crew when we had fatal injuries. I should be the one offering my thanks, Your Majesty." Alistair replied courteously.

"Either way we've both helped each other in desperate times. I had to step in to prevent serious casualties from occurring to your crew. I apologize for not stepping in sooner." The King replied holding his huge fork in one hand, while the other was placed behind his back.

"Not at all, Your Majesty. You do not need to apologize. I'm just glad everyone is okay. Thank you for stepping in." Alistair bowed his head slightly and I awkwardly mimicked his action, wincing in pain. The adrenaline had worn off and now pain was left in its wake.

"Not everyone is okay." The King said, eyes locked on the dagger sticking out of my side.

"Pearl. Get some healers and help heal Alistair and his crew." He ordered his daughter.

"Yes, father." She said and spoke to some of the girls that swam on the surface of the water and after some seconds, rose to the top of the ship with the help of the King's water powers.

"Oh my goodness Lana. You're badly hurt." She cried aloud with a sad look.

"I'm alright, Pearl." As they descended on the ship, their tails vanished and they sprouted feet. And luckily, the scales covering the bottom half of their bodies morphed into short skirts.

"Sink me!" I exclaimed at the sorcery that was befalling before my eyes. Alistair chuckled and Pearl smiled.

"We have a lot of perks." She scratched her head and held my hand. "Come, let's get that thing out of you."

I nodded and she and Alistair helped me to sit at a corner of the ship as the other mermaids tended to the rest of the crew.

"Are yer hurt?" I suddenly asked Alistair, eyeing his body. So much had occurred immediately that I had forgotten to check on him.

"You should be more worried about yourself, blondie. I'm not the one with a dagger sticking out of me." I rolled my eyes and nudged his side. I'm glad he was okay.

"On the count of three, I pull it out." Pearl said and I nodded, sweat droplets forming on my forehead. My heart was pounding in anxiety as Pearl's hands curled around the dagger.


"Two." My eyes were fixed on her hand as my heart beat even louder.


"Wait! Wait. Let me...let me do it meself." I chuckled awkwardly, stopping Pearl from removing the weapon.

"Are you sure?" She asked me with worried eyes.

"Aye. It's not the first time I've taken a stab wound." Alistair watched me carefully in silence and I wrapped my hands around the dagger. I took two deep breaths and swiftly ripped it out of my side.

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