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Fatima tossed and turned the whole night she felt that something wasn't right and she was smelling that something was burning she kept coughing and her chest was hurting.

"What the hell." Fatima said as she popped up she looked around the room and it was smoky as hell.

"Something is burning." Fatima said quickly running downstairs.

She ran into her kitchen she saw flames and smoke coming from her oven, she quickly tried to find a towel to cover her mouth and nose, she ran to grab a towel put it under the sink, and drenched the towel with water trying to place the towel over her mouth, she quickly opened her oven watching as smoke and fire flowed out she looked around for the fire extinguisher but she remembered that it was deep in her dark basement. She grabbed a cup of water trying to put the flames and smoke out but it seemed like it was getting worse she then grabbed her phone calling 911. Before she knew it she was out like a light everything was a blur.

"Ma'am can you hear me." Fatima heard a voice ask.

Her eyes were too heavy to open, her chest was hurting she felt someone place a mask over her face to help her breathe better. She felt warm and safe in whoever arms were carrying her.

Zac glanced over the woman in his arms she was beautiful and her natural curls laid in his arms with a few strands of it in her face.

"Her pulse is racing and she still hasn't woken up we should get her to the hospital." Zac explained to the paramedic.

Fatima tried opening her eyes and when she did everything was blurry she couldn't really see anything except a man with a big beige coat on but their face was blurry. He was in her face looking as if he was asking her a question.

"W-what is going on?" Fatima questioned as she coughed trying to get the words out.

"Ma'am please lay back." Zac said trying to lay her back down.

"I need to know what's going on... please tell me." Fatima asked before coughing again.

She looked around she saw different kinds of machines, and she saw electrodes sticking to her chest she looked around the bright room.

"Why am I in the hospital I'm fine." Fatima said pulling the oxygen mask off her face.

"You're not or you wouldn't be in this bed right now." Zac replied with a stern tone.

"My name is Zachary Taylor I'm a firefighter I found you laying in the middle of your kitchen floor you barely had a pulse so the doctors here at Emory hooked you up to a few machines because they are concerned about your heart and breathing." Zac explained to her.

"You also had an irregular heart rhythm we are just trying to make you are fine." Zac nodded.

"Listen fireman Taylor or whatever your name is I'm fine I have to get the hell out of here I have work to do and in a few months I'll be taking the bar do it look like I have time for this?" Fatima asked as sat up once again.

"I see... so your hardheaded I guess I'll have to watch you until the doctor comes back... okay that's fine with me." Zac said with a chuckle.

"I am not a child I don't need a damn babysitter I am a grown ass woman that is capable of doing things for myself like getting the hell out of here!"

"Look I'm not here to debate with you we've already talked to someone at your job... Andi Barnes, I believe she's your boss right? And she also wants you to sit down and wait."

"You're arrogant and nosey as hell." Fatima said whispering the last part to herself.

Zac chuckled this lady was something else already but he was willing to sit with her and listen as she cursed him out that was just fine with him.

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