1st Martial Art: The Niko Style

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The Niko Style was born from Mukaku rearranging the Gaoh Style with some parts of the Kaiwan Style into something more useful in the modern age. Particularly, it was born during the finally years of Mukaku's attempts of unifying The Inside through martial force.

The style is made up of four different katas, or forms, each of which must be fully mastered in order for the Niko Style to be complete. This style places a high focus on adaptability and applicability; many of the techniques are not set patterns, but rather basic principles which can be applied in multiple situations.

The Niko Style utilizes unique styles of training to maximise the user's physical conditioning. This includes underwater shadow-boxing (which combines anaerobic exercise with water resistance) to improve muscular and cardiovascular functions.

Adamantine Kata: involves the tightening of the muscles (thus hardening one's body) for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Adamantine Kata Techniques:
Flying Axe Kick
Ironbreaker: Chain
Iron Fingers
Bone Binding

Flame Kata: centered around movement and positioning, giving the user incredible speed and agility.

Flame Kata Techniques:
Phantom Pace
Raging Fire

Redirection Kata: involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them. As a result, this kata requires incredible kinetic vision and delicate physical control.

Redirection Kata Techniques:
Weeping Willow
Change of Scenery
Chi Blockage
Flowing Edge

Water Kata: a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion.

Water Kata Techniques:
Bind of Pisces
Dancing Serpent
Jellyfish Clutch
Screw Cutter Jizo
Seagrass Hold
Water Dragon's Vein
Water Mirror

Nil Kata: not one of the four katas of the Niko Style per se, but rather a compilation of breathing exercises.

Nil Kata Technique:

Combined Katas: Some moves of the Niko Style utilize principles from multiple katas.

Combined Katas Techniques:
Water and Flame: Absolute Destruction
Redirection and Water: Binding Demon
Redirection and Water: Bone Consumption
Flame and Water: Fire Water
Flame and Adamantine: Flashing Steel, Blast
Flame and Adamantine: Flashing Steel, Smash
Flame and Adamantine: Flashing Steel, Pierce
Flame and Redirection: Flickering Flame
Adamantine and Water: Ironbreaker: Revolution
Redirection and Water: Swimming Swallow
Redirection and Flame: Will-O'-the-Wisp
Redirection and Flame: Leech

Secret Technique 1:
Demonsbane: the application of all four katas acting as one. As such, can only be performed by someone who has mastered all four. The training for the technique requires the user to have experienced the heightened sense of awareness that comes with a near-death experience. It is a counter that enables the user to completely ward the impact of an opponent's attack. The user utilizes Redirection to change the direction of the attack's power, Water to allow the power to flow throughout the body and Flame to check positioning. Finally, Adamantine is used to deliver the diverted power back to the opponent while also adding their own power to the attack, drastically augmenting the damage inflicted.

Demonsbane is also a formless move, making it deceptively deadly because no matter what attack the opponent performs, the user can divert and return it back with more power. However, the move does have a few weakness: besides having to be a master of the Niko Style, the Redirection and Water Katas are key to achieve the move in the first place. If the Redirection Kata is used improperly, the flow of the attack won't change and will instead hit the user. If the Water Kata is used improperly and their body is not completely relaxed, the flow of the attack will move randomly in the user's body, damaging themselves or lowering the damage of the final attack.

Secret Technique 2:
Possessing Spirit: the user overclocks their heart to enhance their speed, torque and, ultimately, their damage output.

Secret Technique 3:
Fallen Demon: the user enters a state of tachypsychia, an altered perception of time, allowing them to see everything around them in slow motion. While this does not increase the speed of the user's physical actions, it allows them to identify and react more effectively, making it easier for the user to dodge and counterattack. The technique is highly taxing on the brain, due to forcing the brain to analyze what it sees at high speeds, and will permanently damage the brain if it's overused.

Secret Technique 4:
Divine Devil: A combination of Possessing Spirit and Fallen Demon, Divine Devil utilizes both techniques at an even higher level than a normal user would be capable of. Said acceleration can also be used to fling the user's blood at an opponent at high speeds with mild piercing force, like bullets. However, because of the immense strain of using two already damaging enough techniques at once, and unleashing the full strength of the technique after continuous use does have dire consequence.

Story Idea: Niko Tokita OC X L.O.K.Where stories live. Discover now