Chapter 8

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As Nali and Jaebum were eating his phone buzzed indicating a notification. Jaebum checks to see "Ok Nali, the approval just came through" Nali was shocked to know how fast the approval was "Really? They said it was okay?"

"They said they call the principal directly for approval"
"Thank you I appreciate it" Jaebum sent out a request of getting to see the school's CCTV footage of that day and see who followed Nali into the auditorium and hit her.

"I'll take you out to eat" Jaebum was glad to see Nali happy for once knowing how much she has been through the past day.  As it was time for practice Nali was already in the middle of it when Jaebum walks through the door.

Running over to him "Did you find anything?" making sure no one around them could hear their conversation. "So who was it?"

Silence filled them Nali was feeling like she was going to burst if she had to wait for another second. "There wasn't anyone"

Letting out a small groan "What? How is that possible?"

Jaebum was just as baffled at the footage as well. There are only two cameras near the auditorium. Maybe this person knew there was a blind spot. And since your attack happened behind the curtain there's no footage of that angle either "No one followed you in nor did anyone leave.

Leaning her head back as Nali accepted fate was not kind to her this time round. She now had to figure out another way to find out who and why would someone do something like that to her along with their motives.

After practice, Nali got a text from Kook Ji Hyun rolling her eyes as she opened it

We need to talk. Meet me after school at this parking lot

Nali knew that if she didn't show up her life is going to be ten times worse than it already was. Nali sucked it up and after school met up with Ji Hyun. As she heard some voices she got closer and closer to it and saw not only Ji Hyun but some other ladies. Ladies is too nice of a way to describe these women that were sitting with Ji Hyun.

"See? Isn't she like how I described to you guys" Ji Hyun gave her a sly smile. "Hey! Ji Hyun this is something between you and me"

"Conversations are meant to be engaged with. Creatures like you don't get to address a human like me. It's time you learned your lesson today" as if in the queue all three of these women stood up against her.

Having a background in taekwondo is definitely going to be an advantage. Although Ji Hyun seemed to have forgotten.

Thinking fast she starts it off by throwing her backpack at one of them and kicking the one next to her flat on the chest. The third woman Nali landed a good punch on her. Nali was putting on a good fight. Her energy started to wear out and soon these older women were hitting her with whatever they could get their hands on. They hit her with not only their fist but with traffic cones and barriers found nearby.

Grabbing her hair to pull her to the ground soon all three of them were stomping and kicking her. Bruising Nali left and right along with giving her scratch marks on her face. Nali knew that if she didn't pretend to go limp right now these women are actually going end up killing her.

Ji Sooheon heard the screaming from across the street and ran over to see.

Soon the kicking and yelling stopped and as Nali opened her eyes her vision was blurry and dizzy more than ever. Still, on her side, Nali slowly rolls over on her back breathing through her pain. Nali did her best to sit upright as well as trying to steady her breath she grabs her belongings that flew from her bag she heard more footsteps. As blood was dripping from her mouth she coughed up some more blood but didn't care at this point.

As Ji Sooheon was running into the parking lot he saw Ji Hyun and her posse walking out. One of the women wiped off some blood off her lip "You're paying us double for dealing with that" the woman said referring to Nali.

Nali managed to get herself up and before she limped too far Ji Sooheon stood in front of her. She knew that this is what he meant about how she should have gone back to her old school. But there's one thing Nali was and she was determined to stay and take revenge for her brother. Without saying anything Nali glances over at Sooheon. Catching his gaze she didn't say much else. Walking past him holding on to her hip to at least ease the pain Nali slowly gets on her scooter. Pushing through the pain.

Putting on her helmet she starts her engine and makes her way back to her dorm. To think os was over as she pulls up to her dorm there were dozens of pictures of her as a "nude" her face just being photoshopped on. Quickly Nali, through her pain and rips all of them down before her landlord sees it.

Already too late her landlord was outside as she had the pictures in her hands "Sir!" thinking of a quick excuse "This was a prank that some kids are pulling on me" the last thing Nali needed for this day was to get kicked out of her dorm. "Don't worry I'll clean everything"

"That's not the issue right now"

Making Nali stop "Excuse me?"

"The police came by a while ago. They somehow found out you were living here and asked me why I had a minor on the premises"

"So what should I do?" already have a feeling of what's coming next "You need to leave. Now. Or else my permit will be revoked and all the other residents will have to leave. Go on, pack your things right away"

Trying to reason with him "'s really late can I please stay one more night. I have nowhere-"

"The cops said they'd be back later tonight. They left me no choice. The other kids are posting strange photos of you. And it looks like you're getting into fights" the landlord seeing her blood and bruises was the last thing she said before going back into the building.

"Great" as she saw Ji Sooheon from the corner of her eye "Did you see everything from the rooftop?" Still with the pictures in her hands "How embarrassing. Just erase it from your memory. I fight so much better than what you saw" Nali trying to find some light on her situation.

Pulling out from his jacket pocket he handed her a wallet "Thanks. Since you have me back my wallet I guess you can leave" not wanting to be even more embarrassed in front of him. "Where are you planning to sleep?"

"Why do you even ask? It's none of your business." the last thing she needed was her so-called friend to help her. "You have nowhere to sleep"

"I can look for something. There's plenty of 24-hour places around here"

"But none of them would allow a minor to stay at this hour"

"Maybe I'll reach out to a friend" already had one in mind but she didn't want to burden him and explain herself. "Since when did you have any friends?"

Rolling her eyes "So what is it that I should do then?" if he was so smart why doesn't he give her a solution to this predicament she was in?

He tried to speak but all he did was point behind Nali "Uh" gulping as Nali turned around and saw one last picture of her "nude". Groaning internally it was stuck on the top of the door. with Ji Sooheon's help he lifted her up as Nali reaches to get the last picture down. Slowly bringing her back down Nali places her hand on his shoulder.

"I mean they must be quite talented if they can stick it up that high. They would be great in the circus"

"Let's go" Nali looking up "What?"

"Let's go to my place"

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