Simon x micheal fluff

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Simon (Chica mask bully) POV
I was just arriving at school trying find my group when I heard " FUCK YOU NEXT TIME YOU TRY THAT I WILL RIP YOUR FACE APART " some one shout. And that some one is known as Micheal Afton the boy who I have a crush on. When I turn the corner I see him yelling at Mark. He seemed pretty pissed so I went to Fred to ask what was going on and I got "Mark tried to grab Micheal ass when he went to get something that feel out is of his locker." I was pissed when I heard that but I was a little to in my thoughts to realize Fred and Mark where gone but when I look down I see a 5,6boy (Micheal had growing problems in my books😭). I really had to look down because I was 6,4 while Micheal was 5,6. "Let's skip class and go to the empty room across the hall." Micheal says as he grabs my arm to drag me over there.
A 2 hours later
"I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN." I scream to my self as I touch the sleeping boys hair. So soft , and I just realized that Micheal wears pigtails which I though was kinda funny so I laughed to myself as I played with his hair. Everything was going good until I see the door slam open lucky it didn't wake Micheal up because if it did I would have killed whoever it was that woke my m up , but to reveal it was just mark and Fred. I pull my m on my lap as the two look at me Fred looks at me with a confused face and Mark. Well he looks like he was about to kill me. Fred garbs Marks arm throwing him on the ground then himself." So what are y'all doing here." I ask with the respond of "We made the teacher mad so we had to find somewhere to hide cause they keep on chasing us around the school." Fred replied while mark just nodded. I feel movement on my body to see Micheal had got up from his nape. I was ready for a good slap ,but surprisingly he just wrapped his legs around my waist and cuddle into my chest. I was very flustered which I got a "pulled a fine man." Look from Fred ,and from Mark well he gave me the look of "I am going to murder you in the most brutally way possible."Him , and. Micheal had been friends for years he had always liked Micheal it was to obvious you could tell he did. They never dated or anything a lot of people always thought they where , but they never did. Than we hear the bell ring to go to class but fuck class it's Friday.
Micheals POV
I am just acting like I am asleep because what could I ask for. I am in my crushes lap he is playing with my hair ,and I think he realized that I wear pigtails." Well I am going to my class" I hear Mark say " me to" Fredrick said. So right now it's just me and Simon which I don't mind at all i then feel a hand start to go through my hair over and over again I didn't mind it felt pretty good.I wake up from my "nap" and Simon just smiles at me. I blush and decide to do something risky I got to where my and Simon where face to face he looked so confused ,but then I kissed him ,and surprisingly he kissed back. We break the kiss and my face turns so red Simon had quite some red on him as well. It was kind of awkward after that until Simon said "are we just going to act like that never happened or what." " well that was my way of saying I have a crush on you." I say getting ready for rejection but to my surprise he says " I have a huge crush on you to." I smile and kiss him "so are we dating now?" I ask " I mean, if you want to we can" he replies.I nod my head ,and say " I'm going to hang out with Mark do you wanna come to my house after school?" I ask "sure " he says with a huge smile. I get up and leave the room waving to him goodbye." Where is he at" I complain to my self just as I was about to speak I fell arms around my neck not in a threatening way in a nice way I look to see Mark. He had is face in my neck I didn't mind I just stoned there.
Mark POV
I continue to cuddle my face into Micheals neck. At the same time I was fighting the urge to do some unholy stuff right now but I just brushed it off while thinking of and stuff
Simon POV
I go to see my love but see the most horrible site ever Mark had his cuddled into Micheals neck that was my love. I decided to walk over there Micheal smiled and told Mark to get off him which he obeyed and my love hugged me which I loved." Well I am going see y'all on Monday." Mark says with a pissed tone but who cares. "So you want to come to my house no one's over." I ask "sure but I have to bring Evan and Elizabeth home first you can walk with me." He says as we head to the middle school building to get Elizabeth and then to the elementary for Evan. Micheal and his siblings were closer than ever sometimes they call him mom by accident but he doesn't care. When we reach the Aftons house he gives Elizabeth and Evan a kiss on head and tells them he will be back on Monday or Sunday.
Words 1001

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