"I like you!"

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Walking to your locker with your best friends, one of your friends says, "Hey look, there's a note!" As she points at it carefully. "Maybe it's a old paper." Said your other best friend. As you pick up the paper and tell your friends, "I don't even keep papers in my locker." As they look at your concerned. "HOW?" One says. "Well, Y/N's locker is very clean." The other says. You look down at the note and read it carefully out loud, and in a voice that nobody but the two friends around you can hear you. "Hey, I want to talk to you about something. Meet me at the side of the school near the cherry blossom trees that kids always throw water at, maybe 3:30. Okay? -Unknown."
As confused as you are you turn towards your friends and say "I need to go now. I can't leave them alone like that!" You yell. You turn swiftly and throw all your books in your locker and slam it shut as you speed walk down the hall. It already happens to be 3:27 so you walk a little fast. As you start to get to the outside creaky door, you slam it open and start dashing towards the trees. You bring the note with too, just in case you get it mixed up with someone.
As you slow down and place your bag on the ground, you grab your water and take 4 giant sips of water and place it down back on the side pocket of your bag. You decide it is a good idea to start waiting there but before you can even move your head, there stands your crush stands in front of you. "Y-Y/N, you actually came?" You nod your head yes as your face starts turning red. "Uhm, are you okay..?" Kenma asks softly. "Y-yeah! Uh, is this the note you gave me?" As you slowly reach into the side of your backpack pocket and grab it. Unfolding the paper. He reads the first two words and nods his head yes. "I- I had something to tell you." Kenma said softly. "What's up?" You ask. "Well, let me try just saying it." He said quietly but quickly. "I-I uhm. I Like you!" He says fast and louder than normal. The look of fear but happiness on your eyes. "Oh my goodness. Kenma, really?" You ask. "Yes. A lot." He says." He looks at you flustered and red. You grab his chin softly and comfortingly, and say "I like you too Kenma." You kiss him on his lips and a very flustered way he asks, "So uhm, will you date me..?" He asks. You nod your head yes, as you walk with him away from the trees holding hands and walking closely together.

"I like you!" A shy Kenma Kozume x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now