last Game

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The group played tons of games. Like Tic Tac Toe, Guitar Hero, Gang Beasts, Hide and Seek, Ping Pong, and Freeze Tag. The last game their playing is Truth or Dare. There are 10 players Playing each.

And Sonia

First they have to spin a bottle, and whoever it lands on, they have to tell something true, or they have to do a dare.

Sonic spinned the bottle first and it first landed on Sticks. Sonic: "Ok, Sticks, truth or dare?" Sticks: "Hmmm... Dare." Sonic: "I already got a SPICY one. I dare you.... To KISS MANIC!" Manic and Sticks: "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?😱"

Manic: "Bro are you crazy?! I'm not ready to have a girlfriend, Yet!!??!" Both Sticks and Manic blushed so hard. But Sticks shrugged and kissed Manic. After kissing for almost 20 seconds, Manic fainted in love. Everyone was confusingly looking at Sticks: "What? Anyone needs love. Even if they didn't want it or weren't ready."

Sticks spinned the bottle and it landed on Tails. Sticks: "Truth or Dare, Tails?" Tails: "Hmm... I'll say truth." Sticks: "We all know you love inventing, so which invention do you love the most?" Tails: "Hmmm.... I love ALL my inventions, but I'm gonna have to say: My airplane, the Tornado!"

Tails spinned the bottle and it landed on Knuckles. Knuckles: "I'll take a dare." Tails gave a Little laugh. Tails: I dare you... To KISS ROUGE!" Knuckles and Rouge both blushed. Everyone else except Knuckles and Rouge: "oooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!" Knuckles didn't want to do it, but unfortunately for him, they kissed each other anyways. And then Knuckles fainted.

The game kept going but everyone else got to play this time. The most they did were dares. Knuckles dared Blaze to act like a real cat, Cream dared Sonic to hug and kiss Amy, Shadow dared Tangle to drink expired milk, and then Tangle barfed in the toilet, and the game kept going on and on.

Then the bottle landed on Whisper. Manic; "Ok, Whisper, Truth or Dare?" Whisper: "I'm gonna take a.... Dare." Manic: "This one's gonna be a romantic dare. I dare you... To KISS TANGLE!" Tangle and Whisper: (Blushing) WHAAT?!" They both looked at each other and blushed. Then Whisper gave a sigh. Whisper: "Hey Manic... Is it ok if I should say something before we do it?" Manic: "Sure" Whisper: "*Sigh*

A first kiss (A WHISPANGLE story)Where stories live. Discover now