POV: Jessica 2

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After breaking up with Matthew, I feel more free. I feel like I can finally be myself again. Being with him just made me feel as if I had to be with him all the time. You see, Matthew tends to be super clingy, and I don't like that. I am the type of person that needs my space. Matthew just wanted to be around me all the time, except at his Football games. Yes I loved him, but sometimes being around him just was too much for me. I go to my older brother, Kaleb,  and tell him everything. He gets upset and goes to find Matthew. My brother us over protective but I love him.  He's always there for me when I need him. Kaleb is like that one person that watches your every move. He is currently in college, so he understands life more than I do. When I told him about Matthew, he was furious, just like most big brothers are.

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