♡Chapter 4♡

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"I'm so sorry I just-" she was cut off after looking up

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"I'm so sorry I just-" she was cut off after looking up. A young man presumably in his late 20s similar to her stood there. His sharp features and broad form amazed her and she was mesmerized by his eyes. They where purple, but not any purple, they were finer than any fabric she could ever have. When he looked at her glistening eyes it felt as if all her problems had melted away in an instant. A hand was held out to her breaking her from her trance.

     "Please watch where your walking in the palace from now on miss" his voice was deep and gravely. He pulled her up and braced her when she was up on her feet.

     "Yes I will, I'm sorry" a tone of nervousness laced her voice as a faint blush coated her cheeks.

     A short curtsy marked the end of the interaction as princess Aliena proceeded down the hall, now at a much slower pace. As she turned she missed the blush apparent on prince olexis face. 

     "Shes just as I remembered" he mumbled a hand covering his face in an attempt to soothe his blush.

     After his predicament was solved he proceeded down the hall towards the dining room, where he would meet with his soon to be finances father. It may have seemed the opposite from the perspective of passerbyers but he was eager to marry her. He had been praying to any God that would listen that he would get this opportunity and it seemed that they finally decided to grant his prayers.

      Her seemingly endless trek to the door of her bedroom came to an end as she reached the doors of her bedroom. Moments before slamming the doors open she realizes something is missing. Analyzing the door intently for about a minute led her to a stark realization, the plaque that was nailed to her door for so many years. The plaque with her and her husband's name engraved onto it. Gone, out of site, without her permission nonetheless.

     Caramel colored hands slam themselves against the door as a seething aliena enters the room filled to the brim with maids butlers and the occasional knight to take care of the heavy lifting. 

     "What are you doing" the tone of her voice cut through the room and everyone in the room ceased movement.

     "Princess Aliena, we are preparing the room for your new husband it's customary to remove your past husband's posses-" a nervous maid tries to explain but a still seething Aliena cuts her off.

     "I could care less last I checked I did not give you permission to move my husband's possessions" tears began to collect in her eyes. From behind her came a hand that clutched onto her shoulder. Her breath hitched.

 Her breath hitched

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