Aqua and Maddies revenge and the happy twist?

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3rd POV
"Hey Maddie I had the best idea ever!"
"What is it now Aqua?"
"We should bully Lucy because she is stealing your boyfriend"
"Bullying isn't nice" said a middle school (Wendys age) girl with long blond b hair.
"Shut up Gem no one is talking to you!"
"Yeah no wonder you got dads ugly ass face and hair!"
Gem started to cry and she ran to her room.
"I know right stupid little brat thinks she can say we can't bully"
~Gems room~
Gem was crying her cotton candy blue eyes out.
"Gem what's wrong" said a girl that looks just like her
"Mimi they are bullying me again can we run away now"
Mimi sighed
"Alright" she said while opening their window and they quickly jumped down
"That didn't hurt..."
"Well we are like 5 feet"
They ran away from their home and sisters.
~2 hours later~
It was raining and Gem and Mimi were hiding under their sweaters in front of a mansion.
"This house is big!"
"Well it's a mansion"
Right then a blond (who we all know) head walked out and bumped into Gem and Mimi.
"He- huh?"
"Hello we are Gem and Mimi!"
"Hi...wait your both going to get sick come on in please"
"Is it alright? Will we cause trouble?"
"Of course not now let's go inside" the blond said while putting an umbrella over them
When Lucy got them inside she gave them towels and went to go make hot chocolate. When she was done she put 4 marshmallows inside and gave it to them.
"Luce what's that smell?"
"Hot chocolate"
"Can you bring me some?"
"Yea sure!" Lucy said while serving another cup of hot chocolate
She went upstairs and went to his room to give him hot chocolate. When he saw her his face brightens up when he sees the hot chocolate.
"Yay!" Natsu said while giving her a peck in the cheek
"N-Natsu!" She blushed 10,000,000,000 shades of red
When Natsu realized what he did he blushed and kept saying sorry
"It's alright Natsu" she said while a little pink is still left in her cheeks "anyways I should be going now."
When she came back she saw the girls were done and they cleaned their dishes.
"You guys didn't have to clean your dishes it's alright"
"W-we wouldn't want to leave you any mess we're sorry!"
"Aw your both so cute~"
they both blushed slightly and Lucy took them to her room.
"You both will be sleeping on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor, ok"
"No you sleep on the bed"
"No your my sisters- I mean guest sorry"
"It's alright, can you think of us as sisters?"
"Sure" Lucy smiled
They both smiled happily.
"Hey Luce I forgot to say thanks for the hot choco-" Natsu stopped because of the two little girls
"Hiya!" They both said
Natsu dragged Lucy out and dragged her to his room door
"Lucy. Who. Are. They." Natsu said while trapping Lucy in a corner with his hands
"They are little girls who were sitting out in the rain and who were getting sick and I let them stay in my room and they are my sisters"
"I never knew you had sisters"
"No adopted sisters..."
"Isn't there a paper for that?"
"Let me see it"
"Baka I said I found them sitting in the rain"
"Fine they can stay..." Natsu said "and act as our children..."  Natsu thought
"Yay! Thanks Natsu" she said while hugging him
Natsu tries to hide his blush but completely fails
After their little NaLu moment (Lucy:HEY U SAID U WOULD KEEP IT A SECRET- *looks at readers*...oh sh-) Lucy went back to her room and went to sleep not knowing what would happen the next day.
The next day Lucy went back to school for her last year. She found out she was in classes with at least two or three friends in the same class. In her first class Natsu was in the same class along with Maddie and Aqua. While Lucy was walking to class alone. She got pushed on the floor and kicked. Then she felt water being poured on her.
"Haha loser!"
"Lol she is such a idiot" they kicked her and pushed her until she had a few bruises. They spit on her then walked away.
Natsu was walking by and saw Lucy on the floor and he rushed towards her.
"LUCY?! What happened to you?! Who did this to you?!" Lucy turned around and smiled
"I-it's alright... I'm fine really" Natsus face darkens
"Who. Did. This. To. You. Answer. Me."
"I jus-" Lucy was cut off by being pulled in a hug.
"Tel me who did this to you please..."
"Fine it was Maddie and Aqua but it's alright ok."
"It's not alright Lucy...they hurt you..."
"Natsu im fine really besides why should yo-" Natsu hugged her tighter and was mumbling something.
"Nevermind I'll tell you another day..."
~a few days of bullying later~
"Morning Lucy"
"Morning guys imma go to the bathroom so take care of my stuff"
Lucy was walking in the hallway until she bumped into someone and she was pushed.
"Shut the fuck up..."
"Lol she's such a pain in the ass"
"Yea I feel sorry for my Natsu~"
"I know right!"
"Poor Natsu he must be tired of her
"I know right it's probably because she's ugly"
"Yea no one likes her"
"Not even Natsu he's just acting"
"Hes such a good actor then"
'Not even Natsu. Not even Natsu. Not even Natsu'
"Oh did we break the princess?"
"Hey loser get up"
Lucy got up while her bangs covered her eyes.
"Lmfao she's acting like a dog. Sit!" Lucy didn't sit she just walked right up to them and...
"I'm tired of your fucking shit you little bitchy brats you both are really idiotic I bet your just saying that stuff to me cause you are jealous little brats I mean you both got fired right? And I didn't so your both a pain in the fucking ass not me little shits got that? If you don't then I make sure you do"
"Lol she thinks shes so cool"
"Yea we don't even know what you mean! We are cool unlike you"
"Y-" Lucy cut Maddie off by kicking her in the face
That got everyone's attention. Everyone walked out and saw Maddie on the floor.
"Hey leave my sister alone you big lo-"
Lucy punched her in the face. And both of their noses were bleeding. Everyone was saying fight fight fight fight! Except for a few people
"You made us bleed you little slut"
(I'm not good at fight scenes so you imagine it)
Three people were holding them.
"LET ME GO!" All three of them said
"All three of you stop it!"
"Fine Aqua"
"Right" they both brought out guns and shot Lucy but they failed to shoot her either in the heart or the head
"LUCY!" Natsu was going to block her but he was too late so Natsu caught her instead "SOMEONE CALL THE HOSPITAL!"
"Natsu! Let her go!"
"NATSU!" Natsu ignored them wishing Lucy would come back running in his arms and hugging him. He suddenly felt being dragged away.
~a few weeks after the incident~
Natsu hasn't been to school for the pass few weeks
Everyone was worried about him.
Maddie and Aqua were in jail for bringing weapons to school and hurting someone also for bullying their sisters.
~at the hospital~
"Lucy it seems like your wound is healed so you may go home I'll go call Natsu" the doctor said "oh and also take two pills at 5:00 p.m"
~a few minutes later~
Natsu took her home and when they got there he took her to his room and hugged her. "Natsu?" "Don't scare me like that again please" " why should you care I'm just a stupid-" she was cut off by a pair of was lips on hers. "I care because.." "Yea?" "Because I like you" "I like you too" Lucy smiled "no I love you" "as a 'I wanna marry you" love?" Natsu nodded. "You probably don't li-" he was cut off by warm lips on his. "I love you too Natsu..."
"KYAAAA CAN U BE OUT MOM AND DAD INSTEAD OF SISTER, LUCY?" Said Gem and Mimi peeking through the door
Lucy and Natsu blushed and slowly nodded
The two twins smiled brightly
The end... Is just the beginning...
Hey moons I'm thinking of making a season 2 of this so should I'm not sure
I also wanted to thank you for reading my shitty books that aren't great they suck Ik but please keep the comments to your self thanks ^^
Bye I'll possibly see you again next time!- Kitty_MoonSlayer

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