Part 18

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* With Tommy *

' I don't know why they are acting so strange ' ' after I told them my brother's name, they started acting strange. ' Mabey Dream will know ' I'll have to ask him when he gets home. '

* When Dream gets home *

" Hey Tommy " " hey Dream " " I have a question " what is it " " The hero wanted to know what your name was " " What did you tell them " " I told them your name " " WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT " " Dream I didn't know "

" We got to go " " what? why " " we just need to go " " go get your stuff " " make it quick " " yes sir " * Knock * " Shit TOMMY HURRY UP " " I'm almost done " 

* Knock * " okay Tommy it's time to go " " aren't you going to answer the door " " No " " if you're not going to answer the door then how are we going to get out " " The window "

* Knock * " what you mean " " I mean were going there the window " the knock on the door started to turn into pounding. Before I knew it, we were out the window.

* With the hero's *

" Did you hear that " " They went through the window let's go " " I told Sam he is chasing them right now " 

* Back with Tommy and Dream *

" Dream why are the hero's chasing us " " be quiet this is your fault anyways " " How is it my fault " " If you didn't tell them my name then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place "

" Sorry Dream " " sorry not going to cut it " " I thought I taught you better than this " " You did Dream " " If I did then you would be listing " " but I 'am " " No you're not I told you to be quiet and what are you doing "

" Not being quiet " " Good now don't talk " " Shit a Hero is behind us " A feather why is there a feather " Fuck Crow that's not Siren or The Blade that is behind us wait where is the Siren and The Blade.

I Hope you are having a great new year wish you all the best have a great after noon or morning or night.

Vigilante TommyWhere stories live. Discover now