1. The beginning

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Y/n's Pov
July 29 1991

I love being at home sometimes. I mean it may seem weird but it just helps me get my mind off of things. I also love it at home because I get to spend time with my family, I especially love hearing my mom and dad talking about there jobs. My mom was an Aurora and my dad worked on a muggle job but I never figured out the name.

But today was a special day for me, today I got my letter. It's not just any ordinary letter it was my acceptance letter into Hogwarts. I was very happy today because that means I get to go to school with my brother Landon. He and me are very close and I'm very thankful for that. Landon's in his 3rd year so I would barely see him because he's been at school, but I'm glad we finally get to go to the same school.

July 31 1991

Today was the day I had to go get my supplies for school. I woke up a little earlier than I usually do, I didn't mind waking up a little earlier because I wake up around 1pm anyways.

It was about 11:00 when I got up and I went to go take a shower and get ready to go get my supplies. I was walking to the shower when my brother suddenly stopped me and ran into the bathroom and locking the door.

"Landon get out I'm trying to take a shower"I say banging on the door and trying to open it.

"Nope sorry got here first so you'll have to wait" Landon says from the other side of the door.

Since he took the bathroom I had to wait so I headed back to my room, which wasn't to far. I tried to pass the time and draw in my notebook. I decided to draw my house with cute decorations on it.


While I was drawing I didn't hear Landon walk into my room. He was walking towards me and that's when I noticed him.

"So your finally done with the bathroom I see." I say in a jokingly way.

"It takes time to looks this good so
of course I took awhile" He says shaking his hair and getting a little water on my drawing.

"You got water on my drawing dumbass" I say a little irritated

I just put my drawing down and forget about it and head to the bathroom. I got to the bathroom and took a shower. While I was taking my shower I felt off about something but I didn't know what it was. I just forgot about it and continued on with my shower.


I was finished with my shower and I put my towel on and looked in the mirror and I seen that my eyes were dark red. I was very confused and a little a scared. I blinked a couple times and my eyes were finally back to there original color. I didn't want to think about what happened so I hurried up and got ready to go get my supplies for school. My mom and dad were ready to go so me and my brother hurried up and got our shoes on and got ready to go to Diagon

A/n i
Sorry this first chapter super short but I Promise it's gonna be longer next time hope y'all like the first chapter.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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