Chapter 3

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How in the world am I supposed to capture this boy? He is the most wanted criminal in the U.S. Charged with murder, thievery, and more.

There's no way I'm going to get out of this situation in a good way.

I have the feeling that this goes way deeper than what Mr. Pierce let on.

"Mr. Gibbs." I knocked on the door ready for whatever came my way.

"Agent wells, my favorite spy." He acknowledges me with a grin.

"Probably because the story behind my name is funny."


I stare at him.

"Ok you got me there. Here, read this."

He tossed a file over to me and I caught it.

"Mr. Pierce said he didn't have a whole lot about him but I found some more things that might be connected."

"First things first. There are multiple sightings and reports of young boys/teenagers robbing places. They all seem to have come out of nowhere. The strangest thing though is this call the police got one night."

He plays the audio

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"My son he was..."


"No! You have to help me! My son..."

*Punching noise*


"She was reported missing the next day. Also, her son was missing. There were several other missing families and lots of boys missing as well. The strangest thing is that the people who were kidnapped are robbing and murdering people around the U.S. If we ever catch one of them they won't talk. They keep saying they can't tell because they are safer in jail."

"That's really weird."


"We're also watching this business called MBK Corps. It stands for Making Banks Knowable Corporation. It's an organization that tells a lot about saving, investments, how to save money, and it is also a bank itself."

"What's so wrong about that?"

"They get a lot of money every year. They should be spending it on things that are obvious like updating the buildings and paying their employees more. But there seems to be no end to their money. Their buildings are enormous. They keep adding on."

"So?" This was going nowhere.

"We went to investigate. They took us on tours around the buildings. Nothing. So we decided to go big and send someone to work there and report back. But, something must be happening there because we haven't heard from him since. Listen to this report"

"Come in, this is Crawley to base."

"What's the code, Crawley."

"Ruby gem 520"

"Code confirmed. What's your status?"

"The new employees are going through immense questioning. They are scanning everyone's background and they are also sending people through training... Whatever that means. The people who come back from training look as scared as if the world was ending. I'm going to be scanned tomorrow and I'm afraid they will find anything. The day after tomorrow I'll be sent into The White Room or training as they call it."

*Bang bang*

"Crawley, what's going on?"


"Open up!" A rough voice shouts.

"Listen, they've caught onto me. I have to destroy this before they get ahold of it."

"Crawley, What's Happening?"
"This business is much more than a bank."

"Sorry I have to go."

*Door slammed down*


"What the..." I'm in shock.

"We need you to find out what's happening with the boys and with this company. But, first, you need to take out Axel."

I look in the case file. One paper. One picture.

"I can't do this. I don't like where this is leading."

"You're our only hope of knowing what they are up to. Please."

They were desperate. Very desperate.

"Fine. What gadgets do I get?"

"None. We know that they can detect things such as radios and other things. Plus your only job is to bring this guy in."

"How am I supposed to bring him in if we don't know where he is?" The 'bringing' him in part would be easy because I was the best fighter in my class but how am I supposed to figure out where he is?

"Oh, but we know where he's going to be." Mr. Gibbs said with a twinkle in his eyes.


"We shot a tracker at him. It shorted out four days ago but it's up and running again."

I thought about it.

"Fine. Let's do this." 

Word count: 707

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