A Sly Fox

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Somewhere, At Night

A group of Faunus thugs armed with machetes and pistol were planning on stealing at a Dust processing plant. When they got the door open, one of the thugs got kicked in face by someone wearing swashbuckler boots. A faunus came out of the shadows with his head down, this faunus name was Zorro.

Thug 1#: Zorro

Zorro draws his sword named Dawn

Thugs 2#: Let's just kill this guy, we got work to do.

Without hesitation, Zorro slices all their guns in half with just one slash from his sword.

Zorro: You made the fox, you do not want to make the fox angry! ¡Témeme si tú si te atreves! Fear me if you dare!

The thugs took out their sharp melee weapons out and Zorro quickly disarm and overpowered each thug he encounters. Zorro summons yellow Electric Dust clone. The Electric Dust clone jabs his sword into the ground and shocks the faunus thugs, causing them to drop their weapons and passes out. Zorro points Dawn at one of the faunus thugs.

Zorro: Had enough yet?

Thugs 3#: Okay, please don't hurt me!

Zorro: Por qué, why shouldn't I? Deberías avergonzarte de ti mismo, you should be ashamed of yourself!

Thugs 3#: I... I... uh...

Zorro: I understand that some humans haven't been kind to the faunus. But this will prove that the humans were right about us.

Thugs 3#: We were trying to prove ourselves to the White Fang!

Zorro: And why would you want to join the White Fang? A faunus organization that once fought for peace becomes a band of thieves and murderers. (chuckles, then whisper) Now, you really made the fox angry (punches the thug unconscious).

Somwhere, In A Forest

A gang of humans ambushed a White Fang convoy by shooting their guns at them. Ghira Belladonna, Adam Taurus, Sienna Khan, Ilia Amitola and other White Fang members takes cover behind the convoys.

With Zorro

Zorro was feeding a wild black stallion horse. Until, he heard several gunfire and thanks to his hat keeping the sun from blocking his perfect eye sight, he saw the White Fang convoy being ambushed. Zorro doesn't approve of the White Fang, but he realized that some White Fang members just wanted equality and peace. He jumps on the stallion's back and the horse took off sprinting.

Back at White Fang Convoy

Ghira: Please, we're just trying to pass through. (Takes cover)

Male Human: Well, you animals passed through the wrong town.

Ghira: There's no need for violence (get shot in the hand and aura breaks).

Sienna and Adam then share a glance of mutual agreement, and before Adam starts to fight back, Zorro jumps out of nowhere and lands next to Adam. Zorro and Adam shares a confusing glare at each other before fighting back. Zorro tries his best not to kill the humans, but Adam, he went all out. They both defeats the attacking humans with ease, until Adam killed the last one and blood was spilt on the side of one of the truck and on the ground. Zorfo looked at the human that Adam killed and walks towards him for a closer look.

Zorro: (shocked) What..... has he done? La gente teme lo que no entiende, he didn't deserve this.

Female Human: You're all freaks!

Ghira: (to Adam) That wasn't necessary. (pointing at the corpse) This is the very reason they think they can treat-

Sienna: Ghira, he saved your life. He's a hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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