Part fcking one

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Leo's pov:
Today is my first day at a new school. I was of course nervous but definitely happy to move away from the hell whole that was my home.

(He ran away only teddy will understand bc he knows Leo's back story)

I walked through the snowy ground on my way to a brand new building. I wasn't too far away from the school I'm fully capable of just walking instead of taking the bus or anything. My big brother, who I now live with, could drive me but I chose to trudge through the snow all by myself. Which I now regret....despite the boots I was wearing I could feel my toes freezing off of my own feet. My hands were dug into my coat pockets and my bag made it even harder to kick threw the few inches of snow, "I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today," I thought.

     After minutes that felt like hours of dragging my feet to school, I finally made it. It was quite a big building. Teachers stood at the open doors, making sure everyone got in safely. I tried to sneak past them but an old man suddenly grabbed my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks and started at him, "Have I seen you before sir?" He asked in a stern tone. I stuttered upon my words when I tried to answer, "uhm I uh, am a new student." I smiled awkwardly. "Oh ho alright, do you know where to get your schedule?" The old man laughed in slight embarrassment of his own actions, "eh no, I don't." I answered his question shyly. He then told me to go to the student window and showed me where it was, it wasn't far from where I was supposed to walk in. I thanked him as I walked in and headed to the, "student window." Before I got half way to the window I heard a few kids talking from behind, "dang, he's tall."
"Yeah I wonder what grade he's in..." I chose to ignore them and pushed the door to the student window. There was two kids already talking to the lady at the window, so I did what any normal person would do and quietly waited behind them. After a few minutes they finished their conversation and began to turn around, on their way to class im assuming, but little did I know one of them was actually on their way running into me. The taller brunette one took a few quick steps before ramming his head into my chest, "hey teddy watch where you're going!" A shorter blonde girl exclaimed in sarcasm. The brunette looked offended by what his friend said. He turned to apologize to me, "It's alright I wasn't paying attention, my bad." I responded to his apology. Both waved goodbye to me as they made their way to class. I waved back and stepped up to the window asking for my schedule.

Leo x teddy (aka my bestest friend in the whole world 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻)Where stories live. Discover now