Part 1: The Meeting

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Ah, a normal day as it was everyday, the Princess taking a calming stroll through Waterfall, a chocolate bar in one hand and her phone in the other. She was taking a break from all of her royalty duties, after all, being Princess wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. She had responsibilities, and she promised her father that she wouldn't let him brings her back to the day she fell down. The day she met Asriel. She sighed, still mourning over his tragic death. She shook herself out of it, trying not to focus on that. It was supposed to be her break, her afternoon, all to herself...or so she thought. She looked down at her phone, big mistake. Seemingly out of nowhere, a young man crashed into her, her phone and chocolate bar flying behind her. She sat up and rubbed her head, looking up at the boy. He looked down at her and immediately gasped

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Your Highness!"

The boy shouted, grabbing her hand gently before pulling her up. Chara let out a soft groan before brushing some hair out of her face

"'s ok, just please be more careful next time"

She mumbled, picking up her phone and throwing away the chocolate bar. What a shame, no more choccy

"Allow me to introduce myself"

The boy said as he bowed, taking her hand and giving it a gentle peck. It caught her a little off guard, but took it as a form of respect

"I am the Great Impact Papyton! Son of Papyrus and Mettaton!"

He grinned proudly, Chara not being able to hold back a smile. She fidgeted with her fingers for a moment before responding to him

"Oh yes, I've heard of you before. When Papyrus patrols with me, he never stops talking about you, and neither does Mettaton. They always tell me how proud they are"

Just hearing that made Impact's grin grow ear to ear..if he had ears. He knew his parents thought highly of him, but it always put a smile on his face to hear it from other people..especially the Princess. The 2 stood there, chatting for awhile, Chara subconsciously playing with her hair while she listened to him rant about something..he in all honesty seemed kinda cute. She giggled at his jokes, and he giggled at hers. As she was telling a story about her cat, Impact couldn't help but look at her features..she was beautiful. Her crimson eyes glistened and her cheeks a perfect bubblegum pink, her hair a perfect flowy shoulder length..and her lips..they looked so soft. Focus Impact! He snapped himself out of it so he could pay attention to her. After a few more moments of chatting, Chara looked at the time and sighed

"Damnit..I have to get back to the Palace."

Impact's face drooped, him obviously not wanting her to go yet. He sighed and looked to his side. Chara smiled bashfully and wrote something down on a slip of paper

"Here, take this."

She handed him the paper, her number with "Call me♡" on it. She doodles, and a heart is just her signature doodle..but for some reason, this time it seemed just more than a doodle. Impact looked down and smiled, looking back up at her

"A-ah thank you! I uh, I actually have to go train with Undyne right now too"

He chuckled out, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Did the Princess, one of his biggest idols just give him her personal phone number? Holy shit, she totally did. Chara gave him a quick pat on his shoulder before smiling at him and walking away. Once she was fully gone, Impact started squealing like a school girl, running off to Undyne's house to begin his training.

(Part 2 soon to come!)

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