one: the break up

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Ansleys pov:
It's been 24 days since the break up.24 days of nothing but dull colours all around. perthetic ik but she was my first gf what do U expect me to be all happy and joyful?yes everyone is asking why r u so sad why dont U move on find someone new?idk BECCA maybe I loved her alot so I can't just forget about her. Now if U want to know what im talking about then will go back to 24 days ago


"heyy Law"I say full of energy bec it's been 11 months since me and Lauren started dating 11 months of her just being there for me even tho we've had our ups and downs but I think she is going to ask me to the winter formal,fingers crossed."hi ansley I have to tell U something"she said looking kinda sad like it's something that would change us in a bad way"ok what is it?"I say now looking sad"I want to break up, I'm so sorry ansley I have been seeing someone else"I didn't say anything I just ran off so hurt I go to my fav year 11 student Benji he is also my next door neighbour"he ans, what up"he said putting he's arms out to hug me"she broke up with me, after 11 months,she said she was seeing someone else"I say practically balling my eyes out,Benji and he's mates take me to a corridor near the math staff room on the 4th floor(we were on the 3rd floor before)he then sits me down and talks to me about it"hey ans look there's nothing U can do about just go cry Ur heart out and if U need to U can come over and we can go to the local servo(gas station) and get all the lollies U want once I get paid witch is tomorrow night right before midnight and if U want once I get paid like as soon as I do we can go get Macca's(McDonalds)and U can get all the chicken nuggets U want asking as it's not over $60 dollars bec I only get paid $600 and as U know I'm saving for my own car and I also need to pay rent(bec he lives on his own)"he said trying to cheer me up"thx Benji I would like that alot" BREEEGG "well that's the bell I have to go but see ya ans"Benji said running off to catch up with he's mates"byeeee Benji"I yell as I start walking down the stairs to get to home room as U walk in to the room and I sit in my seat next to Lauren like I always do then she moves over to the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM and sits with Rebecca Laurens cousin"hey need im sitting here now"Jessie says sitting down"I heard that U and Lauren broke that true?"she said look at me"i-uh-i-i y-yea"I said ovi upset and she could see that so she HUGS ME!!!


So now she talks to me every single minute of the day but I've been getting used to it now these last couple weeks 3 weeks and 3 days to be exact she's been getting more interested in me and idk why but anyways Im walking past one of the yr 11 corridors and I see Benji making out with none other then Lauren my best friend with my ex"hey princess wanna get payback?"I hear a voice say, I turn around and I see Jessie?"i-uh-i-i guess so"her deep voice made my spine tingle and it puts butterflies in my gut her long browny red hair in a high pony and her beautiful soft smooth tan skin she was the complete opposite of me I had blonde hair till I dyed it and fair skin and she had dark brown hair till she added red to it and dark tan skin it suits her so well and her uniform all loose and all her buttons undone(there's only three of then at the top)and her trackys too loose to fit her waist so she used a shoe lace to hold them up and then me with my shirt tucked into my skirt and my now short hair in two little piggy tails nalso my hair was blonde then brown now it's black bec I think I suit black hair but anyways back to what's going on....
"If U want payback then U should fake date me and I can have U over at mine to make Benji jealous" "ok then if U think that's a good idea"I say happliy bec Jessie is like smoking hot but bec I was dating Lauren I could talk to her bec Lauren had 'trust issues' anyways she the holds my hand and we walk down the yr 11 corridor bec it's quicker to get to my classroom and the looks on Benji and Laurens face is priceless ahahaa anyways me and Jess heads back to class now after that fun we just had and everyone now thinks we're dating I mean I wouldn't mind it but idk about her she's too perfect for me Lauren taught me that no one would love me if I kept eating the way I did so I stopped till I looked like a cancer patient who was about to die I didn't know what to do but I just put makeup on to me it look normal and went to school but Benji  gave me a sandwich and ovi 2atched as I ate it to make sure I would eat it of course but after I finished it he asked me why I was starving myself I told him that Lauren made me feel guilty for ratting so much that I had to stop so I could please her bad it wasn't enough that she had to brake up with me and move on so quickly and I felt do alone and sad that I couldn't loose that wait to please her bec the girl she moved on to was much Skinner than me and much prettier as well I can't believe I believed her and her lies got the better of me she would tell me she was going to babysit at her neighbours house when she would actually go to another girls house and bloody fuck her while I was still dating her she's a fucking cheater and I'm glad I have Jessie now

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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