tainted heart pt. 2

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a/n: ayy a continuation cause i like them that much 🤭 i love gay people

tw: same as last part + sensitive topics (depression, self h*rm, sewer slide mention, drinking)

Wiki soon made it back to their home; a vast sea of green as far as the eye can see. The newest member, a Kabunga from the Uhnne maze, quickly got used to the tribe. Wiki loved seeing everyone get along and work together. It's what being a leader is all about. Sure, he isn't the smartest, but he'd always puts his tribe before himself. With Chartiki on his travels, and Waka-Laka attending to the harvests, it's usually Wiki that monitors everyone.

Even after hours of traveling, Nevermare never lost sight of them. Seeing the tribe made him feel sick inside. Wiki's time is being taken up by a bunch of no-good strangers; time that could be spent with him. Wasting time like that is unacceptable to Nevermare. He looked so overwhelmed. Clearly, he would have a better life back at Uhnne Fair with him, right? Wiki was meant for him.

It wasn't all peaches and cream for Wiki. Lately, he's been getting up late. He feels empty, as if he has no reason to wake up in the morning. Surely it'd be easier to purposefully toss yourself into a Venolen and die from poisoning? Or maybe getting hung on the ceiling using some rope and a Hollibunch? Wiki even knew how to tie a noose. Wiki would lay in bed for hours, not even getting up to eat or play with the younger tribe members. His room is a complete mess with no motivation to clean up.

But, duties are duties. He must do what he can to keep his tribe afloat, no matter how tired he is. He shuffles through bags and paper to find his special box he keeps his special things that helps him calm down. He could do it a variety of ways; sideways, long ways, carvings... anything he could think of. It was always enough to calm him down. The cleanup was always messy and hard to hide, but he managed.

Something then arose from the fields. A scavenger, maybe? Winter was almost here and maintaining the harvest is one of the important things in the tribe. It didn't look like any old Slugling, it was something much larger. It looked like a man on a horse. And a pumpkin on their head? Wiki couldn't bother to notice, so the other members had to attend to it.

Unfortunately, that is not what the intruder wanted. He handled the tribe members with ease. But where was his love? Why aren't they out here? He grew upset. His little plan has gone wrong, with his goal still remaining out of reach. What else could he do to get the tribe leader's attention? What if he sent a letter? Maybe that will get a satisfying reaction from him.

Wiki wasn't in a good mood. He's gone through 2 whole bottles of wine already, and things aren't looking up. His head is starting to hurt, and he's close to spending another hour in the bathroom over the toilet. He needed something to lift his spirits. Just then, he heard a knock on the door. A letter? From who? Nobody from the nearby towns would bother to write to them. The letter's only clue to who the writer might be is the letter 'N' written on the bottom. However, he does not know anyone that could fit that clue.

He began to read the letter.

"Dear darling,

After seeing your beautiful figure and humbling kindness that fateful night, I cannot get you to leave my mind. I dream of holding your hand and seeing you face-to-face. This is the first time I've ever felt this, and I'll never let it go. You are my true love, and meeting as we did was simply fate. Being with you is my destiny, and I have fully embraced that. Blood has splattered in your name, and I will happily take down as many things as I need to. I'm hoping to finally see you soon. I love you!"

- N

Wiki couldn't believe what he was reading. Was someone following him? Who was this strange admirer? Well, he was more confused and unsettled than amused, but the curiosity is still there. Wait, "blood"? Have people died for him? Was it indirectly his fault? Now that he thinks of it, he hasn't heard from Florant in a while. If this secret admirer was real, what were they after? Riches? His position as leader? His own life? He was too terrified to stop thinking about it.

Nevermare's letter didn't make his love realize their future together, but it has proved his existence to him. If he wants a shot at marrying the tribe leader, he has to use everything he has, no matter the cost. He couldn't stop thinking about Wiki's reaction to his letter. It was simply too adorable. He pulled out an already filled notebook of love letters he's written over the past few days. It was almost full. The thoughts of their love are like drugs to the parasite. Soon, those thoughts will become a reality, no matter how many people have to fall.

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