01 Wrong Number

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Isabelle's POV


me: DAD!!!! Daniel's back he says he needs more money

xxx-xxx-xxxx: I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number

me: Are you kidding

xxx-xxx-xxxx: No I'm 15 I'm pretty sure I no kids

me: so am I, I'm sorry I can't believe the first time

 I type in my dad's new number I type it in wrong

xxx-xxx-xxxx: No it's fine, well what's your name

Isabelle: Is

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Well that's an interesting name

Isabelle: Well it's not my real name you

 could be a phsyco killer for all I know

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Well I'm Mikey and that's not my full

 name because you could be a phsyco killer

Isabelle: Well I have to go figure out which number

 on my dad's new phone number I got wrong

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Okay well bye

Isabelle: Bye Mikey

xxx-xxx-xxxx changed to Is❤️

xxx-xxx-xxxx changed to Mikey


"Well did you contact dad" Daniel asked, "No I typed in the wrong number sense he got a new phone let me just find it" I told him I see a number on the fridge "So did you find it" he asked. "Wait let me dial it" I told him while I dialed the number someone answered, " Hi dad, Daniel's back he says he needs more money for college" I told him "Ok fine I'll get it" I told him then he ended the call. "What did he say," Daniel asked me "wait" I told him I went to go get the money where my dad told me it was " Ok how much do you need" I asked him "about ____" he told me. "Here, you know eventually you're going to have to get a job" I told him while handing him the money " Yeah yeah bye sis" he said while heading to the door " Bye Daniel" I said. Then he left after he left; I went to bed but all I could think of was the boy I accidentally texted.

Miguels POV

After that girl accidently texted, me thinking I was her dad, Mason and Tristan came over to hang out. " Hey Miguel" Mason said while coming in " hi" " well how have you been sense last time I saw you" Mason asked "I've been good but something weird happened today" I told him. "What happened tell me" He asked, " Wait I'll tell you when Tristan gets here" I said, " Fine but you better tell me" he said.

-- Time Skip --

"Good your finally here" Mason said while looking at Tristan "What happened that all of a sudden you really need me" Tristan said while looking at mason. "Well, something weird happened to Miguel today and he refused to tell me until you got here" Mason said "I'm here so tell us" Tristan said while looking at me "ok so this girl texted me thinking I was her dad" I told them. "Ok give us more details I'm so confused" Mason said looking at me with a confused face "Yeah we need more details" Tristan said, "ok well here is my phone tell me if you get it now" I told them while handing them my phone. "Well do you know how she looks like or if she's a fan" Tristan asked me curiously "well no but she is our same age and sounds pretty cool" I told them. "Well, I'm interested when you get to know more about her pls tell me I'm your best friend" Mason told me "Ok I will Mason" I told him. A couple hours later they left and I went to bed but I kept thinking of "Is" I kept wondering if she was a fan or if she didn't know who I was but eventually I fell asleep.


A/n: This is the first chapter hope you like it

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