Venice? part one

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" His past had come back after he saw who walked in ,it was the man who made his life hell.."  

Rain started to tremble he couldn't feel his body 

Rain's POV 

Rain was sitting in the guess bed of the house that Payu had taken them to. Payu was at work and said he'd be back later with ple so they could figured out a plan. Suddenly rain got a text 


Venice 🥺 

Rain smiles at the contact then opened the text 

V: Hey baby haven't heard from you in a while, I've got a surprise for you 

R:  Oooh what is it 

V: wow No hello 

R: ow sorry How are you?

V: I'm kidding but it was good 

R: what's my surprise  

V: I'm gonna meet you in person 

Rain smiled so hard that his face started to hurt 

R: REALLY?!!! 

V: yeah how about a coffee shop in Thailand , you do still live in Thailand right?

R: yeah I do 

V: good I'll send you the location and we'll meet around hok mong sound good ?

( a/n hok mong means sixth hour aka 6:00)

R: yeah that's good , I can't wait to see you

V: I know same

Rain heard the door open in the house 

R: phi I have to go I'll see you later  

V: okay bye 

Rain hung up the phone then got out of bed and went down stairs 

Payu was sitting down next to ple 

Payu turned to look at rain 

Payu: rain are you in contact with anyone other than sky or you're family ?

Rain thought about Venice almost immediately 

Rain: No why ?

Payu: look rain..


there was a knock at the door 

Payu got up to open the door and there was sky and P'Pai behind him as sky walked in towards rain 

umm rain didn't what everyone asking him questions so he said " I'm going for a walk I'll be back later 

Sky: ill go with you

Rain: No It's okay I want to be alone 

Rain walked out the door and pushed his phone in his back pocket 

When rain was far enough he pulled out his phone and searched up the directions to the coffee shop 

When he arrived there were many people , many guys there too 

So when he walked he texted Venice 

A guy with short dark brown hair , a white shirt and a blue cover and blue jeans 

A guy with short dark brown hair , a white shirt and a blue cover and blue jeans 

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