The fascinating story of Oki Nakashi

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The ultimate killjoy returns, with her hideous smile, something that looks like your typical gossiping neighbor who belonged to the boomer generation, just came home from her adopted homeland, whose name kind of meant, "Big Town."

So, how the hell was she considered, "Oki Nakashi"?

Long story short, she is kind of reminiscent of a longshoreman.

Longshoreman, you say?

Of course, a longshoreman who rarely sailed her boat, because she would often bring souvenirs that are put on SALE.

Now what her descendants want, are usually delicious consumables, such as Swiss chocolates, fresh from the Black Sea.

However, she would insist on offering her "cheaper-priced" chocolates, asking her grandnieces and grandnephews, if they want to take one. She would sound so demanding, you are OBLIGED to answer her, or else...

"You want?" she offered Beh Bey (yours truly) some.

"Later," yours truly said.

Whenever her grandnieces and grandnephews don't even consume her gifts, she would rage out and say, "I worked so hard just to bring them here!"

Well, she should have said, "Next time, what do you want me to bring you, once I return home?"

Despite her "extremely" educational attainment, she failed to observe self-discipline, such as basic good manners, and right conduct.

Remember, discipline, respect for boundaries—no one gives a dang about your credentials, in any way. What is the use of being smart, and talented at the same time, if you're not even willing to take in lucrative jobs? What is the use of being a talented nepo baby (someone who entered a certain field/profession, all thanks to his/her connections, all thanks to their parents, etc.) if you remain underrated? What if I tell you, the least talented, least qualified, is often chosen by the majority of the common folk, is because of their relatability, and not because of their credentials?

Being smart, and talented, doesn't make you automatically indispensable. What makes someone indispensable is being able to still do their jobs, regardless of their proficiency in any field they are in. Like, regardless if you have skeletons inside your closet, you still have to do your job. Same goes to nepo babies.

She is called, Oki Nakashi, for good reason: If she wears a revealing sleeveless top, she would be mistaken to be someone who works in the pier.

Ironically for someone like her, she DOES look like, she worked in the pier as a stevedore.

Since, she IS a stevedore, after all.

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