Chapter 1

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A/N: Tis just a continuation of the last chapter in the prequel.

Also, apparently, my writing style has evolved according to my lovely (not at allcousin so yay? Idk what to make of it but okay... Thank them for also giving me inspo for this chapter... ---> HP_Fanatic_In_Hell they are a joy (no) and a pleasure (double no) and a really good writer (actually a yes) feel free to check em out. 

All chapters after this are going to be in 3rd person POV of someone. It just feels a lot easier to write in some cases. 


Deep breath, Mari

It's okay


Nothing is going to happen

They're gone now


You are safe


Marinette opened her eyes, making a soft noise of surprise when she saw green eyes so close to her. She smiled and the worried creases around his eyes softened slightly. 

A hand was held out to her; she slid hers inside of it, feeling the soothing roughness of worked hands fold over her fingers. The grip was a familiar and grounding weight and she floated after him. (It felt like she was floating)

She was going through the Manor, floating, though her feet were pressing against the ground like the lightest feather. 

There were words around, they were floating too (was everything floating right now?) and she could hear a sharp cutting remark going through the air. It was just as floaty but the deepness in the fuzzy words was also familiar, like the hands. 

Did that mean she was somewhere familiar too?

She was pulled into a room. 

It was definitely familiar, but where was it?

A bed was perfectly made, pushed against a wall. A vanity, sparsely covered with minor care supplies, was against the adjacent wall. A spinny chair had a blue bra hanging off it. Hers. 

Marinette was pulled again, and she entered a bathroom. A shower, bigger than she had ever seen, was turned on. The rough hand left hers and she made a sound at its loss. Her chest heaved and she sucked in a sharp breath. Why did it leave?

Everybody leaves

She whined, only to feel a soft weight settle on her hips. It felt that same as the hands. They ran up the length of her back, she stayed precariously still, waiting as they settled on her shoulder. 

They tugged lightly on the straps of the red dress she was wearing, pulling it down her figure. They never drifted, never strayed, though they did linger around the tiny hump filling her abdomen. 

I'm pregnant

She blinked; she was wasn't she? That was why the knife had flown from her hand to... to Alya's head... 

Water hit her, warm droplets spraying themselves over her. She closed her eyes, hearing the distinctive sound of body soap containers being opened. 

She hummed as hands ran over her, lathering her body with the soap. It nice and soft and gentle. Water continued to spray her and Marinette tilted her head back. 

Hands massaged her scalp and laved over her hair; there was a faint shock by the tender way she was being taken care of. 

The water changed and the head was pressed against her, rinsing off all the soap suds. A Hand came to shadow over her eyes. 

"Close your eyes, Angel; hold your breath." 

She complied. 

After she was clean, she was pulled again and wrapped up in a soft cloth. Marinette cooed at the softness, liking the fluff brushing against her skin. 

The cloth was pulled away and a large top was pulled over her. She blinked and stared at the tan skin that was now in her vision. Broad shoulders led to a nice neck which gave way to a sharp jawline. Green eyes, brighter than jades and exuding feelings of freedom. 


Marinette started at her own voice but a smile flicked at petal lips. Strong arms wrapped around her and she was relaxing, before her conscious thought allowed her too. 

"It's alright Angel. I have you." 

And truer words, have never been spoken.

A/N: Yay... short but nice I think. 

Marinette was disassociating in the beginning and she was slowly being pulled back by Damian. And the significance of Damian's hand is that when I'm feeling like that, I just focus on one thing and then that becomes the comfort thing until I'm pulled back fully. 

I don't know how everybody else experiences it but I'm just going off of my own experiences. 

I hope all of you are well!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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