Knight vengeance

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Yn a union student that bullied by students and ignored by the teachers after forcing to fight in goodwitch class getting beat up by yang,issie,bakugo,akeno, Yn heard a voice if he wanted his dark power Yn accepted Yn got up and his body turned to armor

As he brutally beat his bullies Glynda stops his and tells him to go to the headmaster office as Yn walk away from the arena before Yn leaves the class Yn throws his sword at goodwitch as it stabs her through the wall as shocked that happened Yn takes off helmet and says to her

Yn:your not being killed by koragg but as Yn you belittle me because of no power no you know how it feels when a man with no power kills you in cold blood goodbye witch hope you burn in hell

Yn takes his sword out of Glynda heart as she falls on the ground and walks away as Glynda closes her eyes and now is dead

High school dxd
Kill la kill

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