Case Cannibalism

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Walter Leech, the black vulture, whispers to Mr. Mooch, "I'm worried about this. How are we going to win if everyone knows I ate my wife?"

Mr. Mooch says, "They don't know it. They think they know it. We just have to create reasonable doubt."

Walter's ex's family whispers to Victor but quietly, "But how can we lose if everyone knows he ate our daughter?"

Victor whispers, "I have prosecuted hundreds of criminals and only one was found not guilty. There's a possibility but it's unlikely."

Walter Leech looks at the family of his ex-wife. The family looks at him.

Judge Richter Soma, a large German Shepherd, bangs his gavel.

Judge Soma asks, "Are both parties ready to give their opening testimonies?"

The ex's family says, "Yes."

Walter says, "Yes..."

Victor Wolfe presents his case, "Ladies and gentlemen of the court, we are here to prove that the defendant, Mr. Leech, cannibalized his ex-wife. It is known that Mr. Leech's family has a documented history of cannibalism and when his wife went missing, he did not file a missing person's report."

Walter Leech is uncomfortable because he went into the streets and screamed that he killed his wife instead of filing a report.

Mr. Mooch says, "Ladies and gentlemen of the court, my client, Mr. Leech, should not be found guilty on the sins of his family. When my client's wife went missing, he was traumatized, and simply forgot to file a missing person's report."

The ex-'s family is upset because he literally screamed that he killed her in the streets instead of filing a report.

Victor says, "We have witness after witness ready to testify that Walter Leech screamed that he killed his wife."

Walter Leech is regretting every choice he made in the past few years. The family is sure they'll win the case.

Mr. Mooch stutters, "Eh, uh...witness testimony isn't the most reliable."

Walter Leech is even more nervous.

Victor says, "We could subject the defendant to a court-appointed lie-detector test."

Walter Leech is vomiting into a bucket in the background because vultures vomit when nervous or scared.

Mr. Mooch uses quick thinking to come up with an excuse, "My client is obviously physically ill and the lie-detector test would be invalid."

Walter Leech shaking like a leaf and looking notably pathetic. The ex's family is frustrated.

Victor smirks, seemingly enjoying Walter's pathetic state.

Victor asks, "Would the defendant like to testify in his own defense?"

Walter Leech is unsure and says, "Yes?"

Mr. Mooch visibly cringes. Victor Wolfe gestures Walter to step up to testify.

Walter Leech goes to testify, shakes.

Victor asks, "Mr. Leech, where were you on the night of your wife's disappearance?"

Walter says, "In my house and later in the streets screaming."

Victor asks, "When was the last time you saw your wife?"

"In my house," Walter says.

Victor asks, "And did your wife leave the house?"

Walter Leech is crying and says, "I don't know, I went to sleep and then she was gone."

Victor asks, "And your wife didn't wake you to tell you where she was going?"

Walter Leech is sad and says, "She said she was going to the basement before I went to sleep but she wasn't there when I went to find her."

Victor asks, "Have you invited police to investigate your basement?"

Walter says, "Yes, I did that when I was screaming in the streets."

Victor questions, "So police have investigated your basement?"

Walter says, "Yes, it's how we know of my family's history of cannibalism. They found remains everywhere in there."

Victor asks, "Were your wife's remains found in your basement?"

Walter Leech looks guilty and says, "No..."

"Were remains found in other rooms of your mansion?" Victor asks.

Walter says, "Yes, all over but none of which were hers."

Victor asks, "Have the police investigated any other areas of your property?"

"Yes," Walter answers.

Victor asks, "Were remains found in those other areas?"

"No," Walter answers.

Victor asks, "Do you own other properties?"

"Yes," Walter answers.

Victor asks, "Have the police investigated your other properties?"

"Yes," Walter answers.

Victor asks, "Were remains found in those other properties?"

"No," Walter answers.

Victor asks, "Have you ever buried remains?"

Walter says, "...I can't say as this would get me in trouble for a crime unrelated to this one."

Mr. Mooch facepalms.

Victor says, "You do realize you swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

Walter Leech says, "I have the right to not say something that would get me in trouble for an unrelated crime."

Victor asks, "So you plead the fifth?"

Walter says, "... I think so?"

The jury gasps like a magic word was just uttered. Victor smirks.

Victor says, "No further questions, Your Honor."

Walter Leech says, "... Good thing he didn't ask what I was screaming in the streets."

Mr. Mooch stutters, "Uh....Did you kill your wife?"

Walter Leech is sweating and panicking. Mr. Mooch's eyes widen as Walter panics. The jury takes notice of how much Walter sweats.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... No?" Walter says unsure.

Mr. Mooch says, "No further questions, Your Honor."

Mr. Mooch sits down. The jury whispers amongst themselves.

Walter Leech to Mr. Mooch, "I'm going to die in jail! Look at everyone, they are all against me!! Why did you ask me that?"

Mr. Mooch whispers angrily, "That was a softball question!"

"Oh God!" Walter exclaims.

Judge Soma says, "I'll let the jury deliberate."

Mr. Mooch exclaims, "Judge Soma! Your Honor! I'd like to point out that during the pre-trial evaluation, Mr. Leech was diagnosed with dementia. I'd like to argue that Mr. Leech did not actually kill his wife but screamed that he did when she went missing as a result of the dementia being triggered."

The jury whispers amongst themselves, seemingly impressed by the argument. Victor scowls.

Walter Leech unrelated but bursts into tears and cries, "I want my wife back! Where is my wife?!"

The jury leaves to deliberate. After a while, they return. The verdict is 'Not Guilty''

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