ships in the night

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nulla. intro

on one ship there was a girl with a polka dot dress. her long and loose blond hair flew with the wind. she walked out on the deck where she met the starry night and the big moon. her arms were on the rail when she took a deep breath.

on another ship there was a boy with a journal and pen in his hands. the pages were hard to stay still as the strong wind blew and blew the pages of his journal wildly. he was also standing where the girl was. he needed to find peace and calm.

for a moment these two ships were close together. he saw her. she saw him. he opened his journal to a new page. she smiled. he scribbled words about her. her brown eyes sparkled as she put an elbow on the rail to rest her head. the two were fascinated by each other. they were as close could be. either could have spoke and the other could have listened but there was silence in the end.

it was not long after the ships moved faster away from each other. he would not know her name. she would not know what he doodled on his notebook. the two would never meet. the two could never meet. they were star-crossed and tiny ships passing through the night.

publishing this thing because I've had this story like for a year and I feel like if I made it public it would motivate me to finish the story. well I hope you guys like this and tell me what you think.

with love, anna ♥

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