chapter 3

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you tricked me
🎶 mastermind - taylor swift

Stella woke up, nervous but excited for her first ever fight as a 'superhero'

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Stella woke up, nervous but excited for her first ever fight as a 'superhero'. The light from the window hit her face and encourager to get up. She saw a silver box sitting in her room and decided to open in. She assumed it was a cool superhero suit from Tony. However, inside, was a book that she had been wanting and a note from Tony that read: Sorry Kiddo, didn't have time to fight with you about this when you broke into my car, but you're not doing this. I know you've been wanting this book, so have fun reading and don't bother trying to escape. — Tony

"Seriously?!" She huffed, stomping back over to the bed and grabbing her phone from the nightstand. She called Tony, but was sent straight to voicemail. So she called Nat.

It rang only twice before she picked up. "Hey Stel, you okay? Now isn't exactly a great time."

"No!" Stella fussed, pulling at the door knob that wouldn't open. "Tony locked me in here!"

"In where?" She asked as she heard a thud from the other side, which would turn out to be Stella kicking the door.

"In the hotel room! And I just looked out the peep hole and there's two big scary men standing guard at my door!" Stella whined.

"Stella are you in Berlin?!" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, so?" She replied.

"Why are you here?" The older woman questioned.

"To fight, obviously." She answered. "That's what you trained me for!"

"Self defense, Stel. This is so offense right now!" Nat fussed.

"So I take it that you're not going to come and break me out of here?" She pouted.

"No, Stella. I'm definitely not going to break you out of a safe location so you can come and get your ass kicked by adults!" Nat reasoned. "Stella, please just stay put! You're too young for this."

"Peter's younger than me!" Stella quipped.

"Who's Peter?" Natasha asked.

Stella flew her hand up onto her mouth. "Oh no." She muttered. "Never mind. Not important."

"I'll come back with Tony to see you before you go home." She said. "But please. Don't try to escape. Promise me."

"Fine." She agreed. "I promise."

With that, Nat hung up the phone and Stella began her escape plan. She tried everything. She ran at the door, kicking it as hard as she could. Nothing except a pain in her foot.

"This can't be happening right now." She whined, picking up a chair and throwing it at the window, that wouldn't break either. "What kind of glass doesn't break?" She yelled out. She tried the air vent, but she was too small to climb through. She tried everything.

In defeat, she plopped down on her bed and opened the book Tony bought her. She had read many books, and her friends often called her a nerd for it. But for Stella, it was the closest she'd get to her real dream. Sure it was her dream to be a totally badass superhero with the name and the cool suit, but really she'd love to be an author. She wanted to write a book, to tell stories.

It was embarrassing, so she stopped thinking about it. She hadn't told anyone, because who really reads books anymore and who would want to read one by her?


Time passed, Stella didn't know how long, but she had fallen asleep. Tony and Nat walked in the door as she was sleeping. She was awoken as they sat on the bed next to her. She gave an angry look at Tony when she saw him. "I'm mad at you. You tricked me."

Tony shook his head. "You tricked me first."

"That's different." She huffed.

Nat's smile fell and she straightened her posture. "Hey, kid. Can we talk?"

Stella nodded. "What is it?"

"Well you're not going to hear from me for awhile. I just wanted you to know that." She said.

"Awhile?" She said. "How long?"

"That's something I don't know yet." Natasha said. "But I can't wait to hear about everything when I get back." She smiled.

"Is everything okay?" Stella asked.

"Yes." She nodded. "Don't worry about me, kid." She stood up. "I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Auntie Nat." She said.

"Bye." Natasha waved.

"Where's she going?" She asked Tony as she walked away.

"I don't know." He answered. "That's not for you to worry about. We have a flight home in the morning with Percy."

"Peter." Stella corrected.

"Right, whatever." Tony shrugged.

"So, how mad do you think Mom is gonna be?"

"Pretty mad." Tony answered. "You might have to send Happy for a new phone because you might not have that one soon."

"That bad?" Stella asked.

"That bad." Tony nodded. "Don't worry, I told her you stayed up in a hotel room alone all weekend. So at least you have that going for you."

"I'm so dead." She groaned.

"Yeah, kid." He agreed. "You so are."

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