Drops of Jupiter

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Listen to Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) by Train

Morgan, Greg, Nick and (Y/N) have been gathering evidence all evening at their crime scene. (Y/N) and Greg have been teamed up to deliver evidence to the Hodges and Henry.

Greg's POV

Greg keeps looking over at (Y/N) noticing she's making notes about the crime scene and the evidence they found. Greg delivered evidence to Henry while (Y/N) delivered evidence to Hodges. Greg barely listened to Henry, he was too busy watching (Y/N) smiling and laughing with Hodges. "Good to have (Y/N) back from her vacation, huh?" Henry was waiting for Greg to answer and then Greg noticed Henry staring at him, intently. "Sorry, Henry, what did you say?" Henry smirked at Greg and Greg furrowed his brows. "Just talk to her, Greg." Greg shook his head and answered Henry. "No. She doesn't like me like that." Greg looks back over at her.

(Y/N)'s POV

"How was your vacation? I heard you needed some regathering." She laughs and smiles at Hodges. "Yeah. The last case really got to me." Hodges stopped and looked at her. "You mean when Greg was almost killed?" She shook her head yes and continued expressing her feelings. "That Pope guy could have killed him, but that wasn't entirely the full reason." Hodges bent down and put his elbows on the table with his face in his hands. He was giving her his full attention. "So, it's about Greg and Morgan, I see." Hodges grins and she just takes a deep breath. "A little." Hodges stood up straight again and continued unloading the bags. "So, you still haven't said anything to Greg about your feelings?" Hodges didn't have to look at her to know she didn't, or she wouldn't be here talking to him about.

Morgan and Nick entered the building. Morgan saw Greg and (Y/N) in the breakroom. "Well, the crime scene has been processed and we interviewed a few neighbors. Nothing." Morgan sat beside Greg, and he smiled slightly to her. (Y/N) was reading her mental notes out to the group. "So, the evidence me and Greg found are being processed, but this photo I took looks oddly suspicious to me. What do you think?" She handed the photo to them and waited for their response. Nick and Morgan looked at each other. "That photo on table looks familiar. We interviewed the girl." Greg answers them and shocks (Y/N). "Me and (Y/N) will go back and re question her." Greg got up and threw his lunch away.

He went to the locker room and waited for (Y/N). She walked into the locker room and saw Greg. "Ready?" Greg looks at her and smiles. "Yeah." They were about to leave when Morgan ran up to them. "Hey Greg!" Greg stopped and turned to Morgan. "Can I talk to you?" Greg smiled and told (Y/N) to wait for him. She just nodded her head. She got curious and decided to listen in. "Greg, I know that this is a little unprofessional, but I was wondering if we could go out sometime?" (Y/N) felt her heart ache and she didn't know if she should continue spying. Before she had the chance to turn away, Greg began to answer, but Morgan got ahead of herself and kissed Greg. (Y/N) decided to leave and wait outside. She took deep breaths and watched the lab doors open to reveal Greg, but a very flustered Greg.

"Greg?" He motioned for them to get in the car, and she did just that. When they entered the vehicle, they were silent, but the one thing that got (Y/N) nervous was that Greg was quiet. "Greg?" Greg took a deep breath and glanced at (Y/N). Her face read scared and nervous. "Sorry, I just, uh. Morgan kissed me a few minutes ago." (Y/N) sighed and that drew attention to her again. "I know I saw. I just had to get out of there." Greg pulled up to light and answered his cell. "Sanders." "Well, thank you for letting us know." (Y/N) looked at Greg and waited for the information. "Well, DB just told me that we need to head to the crime scene to check it out again. He thinks we could have missed something."

Greg continued driving and he asked (Y/N) a personal question. "Why did you have to leave when you saw Morgan kiss me earlier?" "Um, I, uh, just needed to give you space." Greg noticed she looked away from him and kept fidgeting. Their work vehicle came to a stop and Greg parked it. Before getting out, Greg looked at (Y/N) and pressed her more. "You weren't upset that she kissed me?" She scoffed and unbuckled her seatbelt. "Why would I be?" She opened her door and got out. The door closed and Greg fold suit. He followed her to the trunk and pressed her again. "Why did you answer me like that?" "Greg, I don't know, okay. All I know is Morgan is your type." Then she spoke in a mumble that he heard. "Apparently."

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