A break in

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"Go faster! Their gonna catch up!" I ordered. I prayed that didn't sound suspicious. The police cars finally caught up.

But they sped right past us.

'I feel SO DUMB!' I felt as if I were about to melt as I felt shame engulf me. I do remember seeing a car go ahead of us.

Wait... those cars came from the direction of my house. I gave out an awkward chuckle. "So, can we go to my house? Just a bit worried." With an irritated groan, Mario turned his car around and I told him to the directions to my house.

"You seem worried. Do you want us to come with you?" I thought for a bit.

'If someone has broken in, then there's a chance they're still inside...' I rotated my body then bobbed my head up and down.

"Yes please." I breathed out. We all exit the car. Once we entered, everything looked regular. Nothing looked out of place. Maybe a couple things placed in another area but nothing gone. I went upstairs.

Everything still seemed normal, I still had to check my bedroom though.

I regret making that decision.

My clothes were everywhere, some missing. The pieces of clothing that had been taken were the undergarments. The cutlery I had left in my room from the breakfast was gone.

Maybe some coins were missing but that wasn't as weird as the random things being taken. It was weird and a great inconvenience.

"Guess I need to buy some new clothes." I tried to laugh it off.

'Who would take my clothes? Fucking freaks.'

Waluigi x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें