II. Bojack Horseman

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He always wanted an older brother who would care about him. Go to his games as a kid, eve practice with him.

Growing up he developed two different eating disorders, binge and bulimic.

He threw up so much he can tell when he's going to throw up way before it even happens.

Fame changed him.

His favorite colours are yellow or blue.

He always tried to be different so his parents would pay attention to him.

At a house party he attempted a stick and poke on his leg that said "gugargargeer" sidenote he was also drunk.

In modern day he'd listen to Radiohead.

He has glasses for an estigmatism but never wears them because his dad made fun of him.

He feels Horsin Around was the  best thing that happened to him because that's the real time he was last happy.

He hates crying so whenever he feels like crying he hides as fast as humanly possible or starts drinking heavily.

He hates being a horse.

He used to play in his mother's makeup because he never looked like the other horses around him.

His parents never made it to his soccer games but for some reason he had hope only to be shot down every time.

He expects his parents to be better when it won't happen.

He hates that he is in his parents image more than he actually hates himself.

Growing up he never had a crush on anybody because he was afraid of his parents relationship.

He pushes people away on accident but when he does it corrupts him because his parents pushed each other away.

He still loves his mom.

He favored his mom over his dad.

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