Chapter 10: A Sticky Situation

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As Jiwook drove his car, Avalyn couldn't help but wonder where they were headed before the event.

She finally gave in to her curiosity and asked him, "Hey Jiwook, where are we heading?"

"To my childhood park," he replied, his tone calm and collected.

Avalyn was a bit confused and asked him, "But why now? Can't we go there after the event?"

Jiwook explained to her that they might not have time after the event. Avalyn nodded gently, but the woman's words were still playing in her head, making her heart sink. As they drove, she kept staring out of the window, lost in thought.

Avalyn huddled inside her jacket, her eyes fixated on the rain-laden sky outside the car window. The atmosphere was heavy, the air thick with the promise of a downpour.

Jiwook, noticing Avalyn's shivering frame, turned the air conditioning down a notch to make the car warmer.

Jiwook asked Avalyn, "You feeling okay?"

"I'm good. Looks like rain though," Avalyn replied, looking out the window.

"We're here," Jiwook said, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Wow, that was quick," Avalyn said with a little chuckle as she got out of the car.

As they strolled through the park, Avalyn trailed behind Jiwook, admiring the scenic view. The park was dotted with shady trees, providing a perfect spot for people to relax and take in the beauty of their surroundings.

Suddenly, Jiwook grabbed Avalyn's arm and pulled her closer to him. He then revealed that this was his go-to spot whenever he wanted to clear his mind. He reminisced about how the sky used to be clearer and the view of the mountains was simply breathtaking.

Avalyn was amazed to see a new side of Jiwook that evening. For the first time, he seemed to be enjoying something other than himself. She smiled at him and took a deep breath, feeling grateful to have experienced such a serene environment.

Excitedly, Avalyn proclaimed that this was the most beautiful place she had ever been to. Jiwook smiled back at her, acknowledging that she was right. He was happy that he had brought her to the hilltop.

Jiwook's peaceful evening was interrupted by a sudden call from his father, who sounded anxious to know Jiwook's whereabouts. With a glance at his watch, Jiwook realized he was running late for a family gathering.

He didn't want to keep his dad waiting, so he assured him that he would be there soon and asked him to start the dinner without him. However, his father insisted that he hurry since he had an important announcement to make.

Feeling helpless, Jiwook approached Avalyn and gently nudged her elbow, signalling to her that they needed to leave.

Avalyn's eyes darted to her watch and her heart skipped a beat. "Oh no, Jiwook, we're going to be late!" she exclaimed, with a hint of urgency in her voice.

Jiwook smirked and shrugged casually. "I was hoping to skip this event, but I guess we have no choice now," he said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Avalyn was consumed by a feeling of guilt as she believed that her tardiness was the cause of their delay in reaching Jiwook's gathering. Her surprise knew no bounds when she found out that Jiwook did not exhibit any signs of annoyance or anger towards her for causing the delay.

As they sat in the car, Jiwook sensed the tension in the air and knew he had to act. He mustered up the courage to express his desire to start fresh with her. He believed that they could move past whatever had happened before, and create a new beginning together.

"You meant it, didn't you?" she asked with a huge grin on her face.

Jiwook's eyes didn't leave the road as he replied, "Of course, Ava. Why would I say something I don't mean?"

"You may be a bad liar, but you're an excellent secret keeper," she said as she couldn't help but admire his focused driving.

Jiwook chuckled, "I suppose that's true. Not many people have caught on to that yet."

"Well, I'm glad I'm one of the first to notice," Avalyn said, beaming with pride.

Jiwook had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he drove his car to the guest house. Avalyn sat quietly, staring out the window, trying to avoid any eye contact.

Suddenly, Jiwook turned to her and asked, "Why do you care for him so much? Do you like him, Ava?"

Avalyn was taken aback by Jiwook's directness and almost choked. She tried to suppress her nervousness but failed. She felt a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead. Jiwook smirked, feeling a sudden pang of jealousy.

Avalyn was deep in thought as she sat beside Jiwook, unsure of her feelings towards him.

"I don't know if I like him, Jiwook. He's nice and gentle, and every girl's dream. But, I just can't seem to make up my mind," she confessed hesitantly.

Jiwook flashed a charming smile and said, "Well, tonight is your chance to decide. Be mine for tonight, and let's see where this goes."

As he drove, he exuded an air of confidence, with one hand on the wheel while Avalyn sat beside him, her heart racing with excitement. She smiled sheepishly at Jiwook, feeling embarrassed for confessing her feelings to his brother when she knew her heart wasn't entirely committed to Do Kyung Seok. Avalyn quickly turned her head to the window, trying to hide her discomfort.

Jiwook was oblivious to Avalyn's inner turmoil as they approached the guest house, but he too began to feel nervous. As he pulled up to the entrance, Avalyn looked out in amazement and gasped in shock at the sight of the grand and majestic guest house looming before them. It was a sight to behold, with its impressive architecture and imposing presence.

Without asking too many questions, Avalyn gracefully exited the car and quietly closed the door behind her. Jiwook cautiously navigated the vehicle to a nearby parking space. As he contemplated the dinner that awaited him inside the house, his nerves began to heighten.

Once outside the main door of the guest house, Avalyn pressed the doorbell and was greeted warmly by one of the housemaids. The maid ushered Avalyn inside, but as soon as she caught sight of Do Kyung Seok descending the grand staircase, she came to an abrupt halt.

Do Kyung Seok exclaimed, flashing a warm smile at Mrs. Soo-Mi, said "I'll take her, thank you."

As soon as the house maid left, Do Kyung Seok turned to Avalyn and asked, "Where's hyung?"

"He's just parking the car. Why? Something wrong?" Avalyn inquired with concern.

"Do you remember Jiwook's first cousin? You both met him and his girlfriend at the restaurant earlier, right?" Do Kyung Seok's voice was laced with curiosity.

"Yes, we did. Why?" Avalyn was getting anxious.

"That girl he was with is not his girlfriend," Do Kyung Seok confided to her. "It's Jiwook's ex-girlfriend, Ava. She's using his cousin to get back at Jiwook!"

Avalyn's eyes grew wide with astonishment as she saw Jiwook entering the house. He was wearing a sleek black suit that Avalyn recognized from their journey. She couldn't help but admire his sense of style and how handsome he looked. However, Avalyn quickly shook off her daydream and refocused her attention on the present moment.

"This is such a mess, Avalyn," thought Avalyn as she saw Jiwook all dressed up.

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