That Halloween Night

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On October 31st, 1981, Halloween Night, Voldemort came to a small house in Godric's Hollow belonging to James Potter. Lily and James Potter lived with their two children, 1 year old Harry and 3-month-old Iris. That night however, there were only 3 in the house.

James- Now, Harry is with us.

Lily- I'm glad Iris is with Sirius. I hope he keeps Iris with him till she's safe.

The news reported several murders, all by Voldemort. The Potters were ready for any situation. Both the parents were a little tense and Harry felt that. He started crying. James took Harry in his arms and played with him; Harry started laughing.

James- I think it's time for bed for this little one.

Lily nodded and took Harry in her arms and went upstairs to his room. James threw his wand carelessly on the couch and sat beside it. Meanwhile Voldemort had reached Godric's Hollow. And was slowly walking towards the Potter's house while examining the kids trick-or-treating. One little boy came to him.

Boy- Hello mister. I really like your costume.

Voldemort stopped walking and drew his wand out.

Boy- Are you going to-

Voldemort- Avada Kedavra.

The boy spoke no more, he just dropped... dead. Now Voldemort picked up his pace and reached the house.

Voldemort opened the door with a bang. James got up wand in hand.

James- We have been waiting, Voldemort.

Voldemort hissed and then pointed his wand at James but before he could kill him James struck Voldemort with Expelliarmus and so the duel began. Lily quickly put Harry in his crib as he was almost asleep. Lily then rushed downstairs but stopped midway when she heard the death curse. With the two words ringing continuously in her ears, she rushed back to Harry's room and slammed the door behind her. Voldemort followed Lily and blasted the door open to reveal Harry in Lily's arm but that was the last time she would do so as Vodemort struck Lily on her back. Then he moved his attention to little Harry. Voldemort raised his wand.

Voldemort- Avada Kedavra!

Harry was alright, as he stared into the air. Voldemort got hit by his own curse and slowly vanished into thin air. No one knew what happened to him, all they knew was that on that fateful night Harry Potter became the boy who lived with only a vague memory and a scar of the incident. Iris Potter, on the other hand, was the forgotten one. No one knew she existed, not even Harry himself. And almost all of those who did, thought she died with her parents.

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