learn the ways

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⚠️ there is smut in this part, you can skip if wanted⚠️

Waking up Ta'shi was still thinking about the words Aonung said that last night that he kissed her because he wanted to and just walk out after calling her a freak. Its been playing on repeat knowing she now had to see him today filled her with anger and hate for the sea boy.

Ta'shi POV: i hate him calling me a freak then walking out like he was a hero, all i can feel is hate and seeing him today will kill me. getting up i got ready and went to the dock with my siblings seeing him stand there laughing with Roxto not even seeing me made me feel... weak. i snapped out of my thoughts to Tsireya pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear "dont worry about him he's just dumb" i giggle as she told us what to do jumping into water we jump in after them not very nice making splashes and swiming after them finally going up for air "how do they swim so well" i say puffing out of breath "i dont know" Lo'ak also puffing, soon everyone was with us, "your too fast for us" Tuk said as kiri put her arm under her helping her rest. Aonung then started talking "your not good divers well maybe swinging trees but-" he was cut of to his sister hitting him. "maybe you guys need to learn to breath first" Roxto laughed out " ya think" i rolled my eyes.

Nobodys POV: sitting in a circle on a large rock as Tsireya and Roxto showed how to breath the right way. Ta'shi watched as Tsireya placed her hands on Lo'ak trying not to laugh at her older brother stuggling to breath. "Lo'ak your heart is really fast try to slow it down ok" Tsireya said with her sweet voice "sorry" Lo'ak managed to replay. as Ta'shi Roxto and Neteyam looked at eachother with a smug looks kiri just rolled her eyes, Later as they were all trying to learn to breathe the right way Aonung watched Ta'shi struggle, Roxto saw and signed 'help her bro' 'no i hate her fucken freak' 'would you just shut up and help her' Tsireya signed to the boys. Aonung gave a huff before moving over to the girl. "i dont want your help fish face" she huffed " ok drown then i dont really care" as he was about to go "fine" she gabbed on to his arm as he lead them to a different part of the beach.

Aonung POV: i walked her to a place away from everyone i did feel a bit bad for yesterday but i brushed it off as nothing, "ok so breath from the bottom on your lungs calm yourself" "it would be easier if you werent here" "do i make you nervous" with a smug look "no, you make me angry" she looked away, after a while she seemed to listen to me and she was ready to go in the water "ok lets go in the water now" "ok" we walked in water that came up to my waste but up to her stomach "ok and now dive" "ok 1 2 3" we dived down and swam around and i felt like... i didnt hate her then do i like her i dont want her to be someone thats not me but i dont know i hate this feeling. as we went back to the surface i looked at her eyes her golden Beautiful eyes she really was a Pearl, this time i wanted her i needed her, her lips looked soft i want to be with her i know that this wasnt hate it was love.... i wanted to mark her as mine so other guys wouldnt take her from me so i leaned down grabbing her face to look at me, "look at me, you do this to me" "w-what" as i lean in a kiss her she seemed confused and then she kissed me back so i was my chance to mark her i pick her up and pulled away from the kiss walking us back to the beach, "what are you doing, do you like me or not" she said "yes" without a second thought i sat use down on a rock Close to all the shells as the sunsets. kissing her and going to mark her i let her lips go and travel down her neck finding the perfect spot i began to suck and kiss her neck praying to Eywa that i could mark her, when she let out small moans i knew i was succeeding, she was on my lap and i could feel myself losing Control. a Lust came over me sucking more and i felt her grind on my lap. "Ta'shi, dont do that " " i know. you marked me as yours so just take me here to complete the mark ah" she moaned " fuck i want you" "you have me, i want you"

Ta'shi POV: he marked me to be his and i found myself wanting him to finish what he started, he was losing it i felt him under me getting harder and harder, "take me Aonung i- ah i want you inside of me" i moaned getting wetter "fuck it" he grabbed me taking me more into the forest part of the beach lay me down i sat up taking his cloth of seeing him, he look like he needed me so i wanted to tease him, he took mine off as he look at my body and said "i dont wanna mark you im mate with you " i smile a walk over to him i make him set back as i tease he's cock with my hand "you really want me i can see it so take it" "i want you to beg" i look at him as he lays me on the floor only rubbing my clit "ahha please ah i want you" he smurked as he let himself inside all of him slowly getting faster as we both moaned and goaned kissing him i felt a knot in my gut grow "Aonung i-im" " i know" as he went faster i broke under him and he pulled out and did the same as we cleaned in the sea kissing we connected our queues "i am yours now Aonung forever" "i love you Ta'shi"

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