a forbidden love

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a/n: okay, I have to add some commentary before I share this. I wrote this piece for my Shakespeare class; the assignment was to write a Shakespearean sonnet. I ended up getting carried away, and I wrote too many stanzas and forgot some of the requirements. so here is the original version, before I had to cut it down to size to submit to my professor. bonus points if you can guess who this is about!

"A Forbidden Love"

With eyes as gentle as the sun's sweet kiss

And as tender as warm mahogany,

And a dazzling smile that brings me bliss,

You make the world sing in pure harmony.

I gaze from afar, yet you don't see me.

People know your name, yet you don't know mine.

And while many others may disagree,

I find you to be utterly divine.

Friends may laugh at me for speaking of you;

They say you will never know who I am.

But I ignore them and instead pursue

This dream that I know is a foolish sham.

Oh, how I long to feel your kind embrace

And to see your loving eyes meet my own.

But alas, I stay hidden from your face,

And I longingly spend each day alone.

I will still watch you through a silver screen,

Supporting, loving, even though unseen.

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