// chapter 22//

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Forks, Washington.

The elite guards, Jasper and I, stood on the outskirts of the woods watching the Cullens get ready to fight. It was rather funny.

Seeing them try to work with the wolves, the wolves would never cooperate with them. They did this for their own pleasure. Pleasure, they got out of killing vampires.

The Cullens were stupid to think that those wolves would do any of this to help Bella and Edward. Maybe that Jacob boy but the rest of them no.

I'd have thought Carlisle would have more sense than Edward, especially with the fact that he is the older and supposed wiser one of the family.

The sound of vampires' skin ripping was heard throughout the woods. Wolves roaring and their heavy paws beating at the ground.

They thought this would be a clean fight. The Cullen's were naïve for people who have been alive for over a century. Someone was going to get hurt.

We stood back, and the wolves and vampires fight each other. It was surprising no one and smelt us out yet.

"They're funny to watch, aren't they? Fighting for a stupid human." Jasper said, standing next to me.


It didn't take long for the fighting to end, and Bella and Edward came out from wherever they were hiding. They joined the family as Alice predicted something.

Before we could step out of the woods, a vampire who had not been caught ran out of the forest. A grey wolf ran at the vampire but was not strong enough.

Jacob then ran in and helped. They were rolling around until the snapping of the bones was heard.

"How unfortunate?" I said as we stepped out of the woods.

Carslise had run to help Jacob while Bella followed falling down next to Jacob. The wolves had carried him away, and I was ready to sort out this human problem.

"Bella, Edward." I said as my head shook. "I have given you so much time, and yet you dint listen."

"Fraser, this is unfair. She should live her life. She has a family." Edward said, pulling Bella behind him.

Carlsie walked to the front of the group, spreading his arms in a protective way. "Fraser, give us more time, and I will change her."

"No." Jasper stepped forward. "Stop asking for more time. No. So step out of the way and let Fraser change her."

I heard Bella's heart beat pick up in speed as she stepped backwards. Edward let out a growl and took an attacking stance.

A ringing took over in my ears as I focused on stopping any movement of the Cullens. Almost as they were frozen in time, all movement from the Cullens had stopped.

I walked closer to Bella, but before I got to her, she took off running. I sped off after, catching her and dragging her to where her boyfriend could see me change her.

The venom teared up in his eyes as he saw what I was going to do. And he wouldn't be able to stop me.

I held her in my arms, lowering head to her neck. I sniffed her neck."Hmm, fresh blood. Warm, fresh blood."

I dug my fangs into her neck. She began to squirm. How long I've waited to do this and in front of all the Cullens is even better.

I began to drink a bit before letting my venom seep into her veins. She began to scream, but I put hand over her.

As I had my last bit, I dropped her to the ground and turned to Jasper. Pulling him into a breath taking kiss as we both savored the taste of her blood.

Waving my fingers at the Cullens before a dark cloud enveloped all of us.

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