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Hey all, thank you for the questions!!
Q: Do you plan on ever studying another instrument?
A: actually, yes! To become a band director you have to have learn least two mouthpiece instruments. So probably the flute :D
Q: How did you discover WattPad?
A: I wanted to write. So I got it. I wrote a crappy thing then deleted it, been here ever since!
Q: Favorite way to eat potatoes?
A: Sweet potatoes or fries. Period
Q: Favorite book and movie genre?
A: Romance or fantasy. Mostly both 😀
Q: When were you saved?
A: when I was twelve! I was baptized as a baby butttttt ya know didn't really care. Then actually once I joined a Baptist church I was surrounded by better people and it really changed my life, also knowing y'all had influenced me!
Q: If you were going to a dream destination and you could only take ten things with you, what would you bring?
1. Do people count? I guess my family or friends.
2. Clothes!
3! A bathing suit because I'd obviously choose the beach
4. A tennis racket?
5. S U N G L A S S E S
6. A hat
7. Personal things? Like makeup
Yeah that's all I can think of 😅
Q: What's your biggest pet peeve?
A: annoying or cringe people!!!! And also out of order things. They ruin my day
Of 25 questions...
1. Q: Shoe size?
A:9, or and a half I think.
2. Q: Favorite person irl?
A: Like that I met? That's gotta be my friend, she's so optimistic and makes me feel better :)
3. Q: Favorite sport?
A: Tennis. Didn't have to think twice. Hey, maybe I'm horrible at it but I'm getting there!!!!
4. Q: if you could pick one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be?
A: Is it too simple if I said move back to Florida?... 😅
5. Q: Sweet or spicy?
A: Mostly sweet, but orange chicken is sort of bitter and I love that.
6. Q: What made you get WattPad?
A: I..idk. I think I wanted to write something but it was crap so I deleted it, then I ended up staying!
7. Q: favorite book of all time? (Ik I'm evil mwahaha)
A: Actually, that isn't hard~I'm a picky reader. The Twilight saga is my favorite, but you're not going to make me pick out of the whole series.
Not a chance.
8. Q: favorite genre to write?
A:Romance or realistic fantasy. Like no..coffins and fangs for vampires and stuff.
9. Q: favorite flower?
A:Hmm...dahlias! They're gorgeous!
10. Q: What's your type? (For guys)
A: Brunettes, and just people who have a good sense of humor and are honest and kind. Being Christian helps too..
11: Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?
A: I think mind reading would be cool. (To, you know, maybe make sure my crush doesn't think I'm a total klutz?..😅) I'd like to see the minds around me-see who's being honest👀
12. Q: Favorite time of day?
A: The evening is relaxing. The sun starts to go down at 5:20 or so and it's nice to watch!
13. Q: how many people on WattPad would you call close friends?
A: maybe 6-8? :)
14.Q: Favorite number?
A: Funny story, actually. When I was little, the Disney junior channel was 56 so when I was three I declared it was my favorite number. Disney junior frightens me now but it stuck so 😅
15. Q: favorite genre of music?
A: either soft rock or Christian rock. Micheal Bublé and Casting Crowns are some of my favs 😇
16. Q: What is your clothing style like?
A: Sometimes it's casually formal if yk what I mean, like a short sweater with jeans? Other days it's casual, like leggings and a t-shirt. 😜
17: Q: Do you have any pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
A: Yes! 5, (not on purpose. ;-;) 1 snorkie (Yorkshire terrier x schnauzer)Lucy we got her two Chrsitmases ago, she's 7 rn! Not potty trained though. 😒 1 cat, Milo, 5 years now (birthday on New Years Eve) he was given to us five years ago, 3 Guinea pigs-I know, I know- one is my sister's, Olaf, who is almost three, the other Mickey (female) who is 1, I got her on Christmas last year🤗. And then the accident, their daughter, Minnie who stays with us till she goes to Heaven. Sooooo we accidentally though Mickey was a male at the time I got her so we put her and Olaf together. Long story short they had 5 babies we separated Mick and Olaf gave 4 babies to the humane society and here we are now!!
18. Q: Favorite type of food?
A: Italian🇮🇹
19: Q: What is your love language?
A: Quality time. That's how I see affection: giving up other things to spend time with someone.
20. Q: Meyers briggs?
A: umMmmM I got confused looking that up sorry😅
21. Q: Eneagram??
A: So I was taking the quiz almost done and it reloaded me. Pretty sure I'm type 9 though!
22. Q: do you prefer writing in first or third pov?
A: 1st all the way. There's just something weird about writing in third..
23. Q: favorite author?
A: Stephenie Meyer, the author of the ✨fabulous twilight saga✨ she's a really good writer!
24. Q: What's your favorite Bible verse?
A: Psalms 23! I love the message, we should always be patient with the Lord and do not grow selfish with Him.
25. Q: comfy casual or dress up for first date?
A: umm probably dress up because yk first impression sort of thing? I wouldn't know what he's wearing! Hopefully not sweats😅

Thank you all for the interesting questions! This was a lot of fun and I hope you can know me better from this! Love y'all and peace ♥️

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