Chapter 8- Truth comes out part 1

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Chapter 8- Truth comes out part 1

I was awoken to Elijah groaning. I quickly sat up and took in our surroundings. It looked like we were in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding house. What happened? Why are we here?

"They daggered me but it seems they didn't know that you have to keep the dagger in." Elijah explained to me as if reading my mind. I growled.

"Jonas and Luca found out that Elena is at her parents cabin so why don't we go there and pay her a visit." Elijah suggested knowing that I wanted revenge. I nodded evily. Oh sweet, sweet revenge!


We were standing infront of the door to the cabin where Elena was staying. Elijah picked up a stone and threw it at the wooden door which instantly broke into pieces, leavind no door. I heard Elena's voice from inside, she sounded afraid. I smirked. Oh, she should be scared alright.

"You know. We might not be able to enter this house but I'm a very patiant man. I can wait you out. However I can't say the say for Stella. She's on the war path and ready to burn this house down if you don't appear." Elijah threatened, staring at the empty doorway. Suddenly Elena appeared. She looked more frightened than I had seen her ever before. She had her arms crossed and her body was shaking.


"They shouldn't of done what they did." She said quietly but of course we could both hear her with our vampire hearing.


"The deal's off." I told her furiously. Elijah nodded in agreement.


"I'm renegotiating..." Elijah cut her off.

"You have nothing left to negotiate with." He told her. She looked taken aback but insteading of giving up she brought out a knife from under her arm. I smirked and Elijah looked at her in amusment. This was her big plan.

"Oh yeah. I'd like to see you try and lure Klaus into Mystic falls after the doppleganger bleeds to death." She replied smugly. I laughed and Elijah snorted.


"Stefan won't led you die." He stated smugly. She still didn't back down. Instead she just looked at him stubbornly which made me grit me teeth in anger.


"No. He won't. He'll give me his blood to heal me and I'll kill myself and become a vamire just like Katherine did." She answered smugly. I frowned and as did Elijah. She continued.

"So unless you want that to happen promise me the same as before. Promise me you won't harm anyone I love, even if they've harmed you." She said. I studied her for a moment. She waited patiantly for an answer.

"I'm sorry Elena," he hesitated for a moment, looking at the knife she had in her hands before hesitantly continuing.


"I'm going to have to call you bluff." He told her. He looked like he believed it but I however wasn't so sure. Now her face held more determination than before which worried me a lot. Would she actually do it? She pointed the knife at her stomach and looked me in the eye, knowing how much I hated to see people in pain, as she plunged the knife into her stomach. Elijah's face instantly morphed to worry and anger. It took everything I had not to run to the door like he did.

"NO! NO!" He shouted. He pushed against the barrier but with no luck. He looked to her clutching her stomach before giving in.

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