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Me and mads hung out for hours and decided that we should have a sleepover we were laughing and goofing off till a knock on my bedroom door I answered and it was Josh

Jo:hey all's I'm leaving



Al:but you didn't even hamg out with me

Jo:but ness wants to hang out with me

Al:but I want to hang out with you

Jo: all's your friend is over hang out with her

Al:ok fine

Jo:ally bubs don't act like that

Al:Josh rly its fine me and mads will be fine with at your std ass

Why does Josh always do what nessa want I'm his Best friend and Nessa hate me but no she's a good person I wish Josh would listen to everyone and leave Nessa



Jo: all's


Jo: Allison


Jo: Allison ann hossler

Al:oh um yea sorry

Jo:you and spacing out

Al:yea I do that a lot

Jo:can I have a hug before I go

M:sorry to interrupt but you two are so cute

Al:I'm the cute one

Jo:ehh I'm the hot one

Al:nah it's me

M:ok you two act like your dating

Jo:no we don't



I run at Josh and jump on him and hug him super tight and mumble into his neck don't go but of course his answer all's you know I wish I could stay of course it's always Nessa I hear Jaden and the boys down stairs screaming something so I go check it out hey why did you stop hugging me I could just take you to the door with me nope Josh you said you had to leave and I gotta go make sure the boys don't break my house mainly Bryce oh yea he already almost broke a plate

Jo:ok let's go and see what there doing and leave

Al:you can just leave

M:haha ally that's so mean

Al:that's the whole point

Jo:stop being a bitch just because I have to leave

M:oh no

I look at Josh in disbelief I walk up to mads and take my hoops out hold these pls bubs oh shit but ok I walk to Josh and grab him by his ear wich was hard because he's 6'2 and I'm 5'2 so it was rly hard but I did ow what the fuck ally nope shut tf up rn Joshua

J:ooo I heard you use Josh's full name you only do that when you mad

B:I told you she'd be pissed your leaving

C:ohh um well this is werid

Cy:he did something I can see it on her face and she took her hoops out and she never does that unless she's going to sleep

Al:yea and now he's leaving get the fuck out and don't come back bye ass whole

Jo: all's

M:nope don't all's her bitch get out

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