10:30 p.m

3 0 0

A/N: This might be my last chapter for a couple of days. So please read it. Thank you!

I wake up to a beeping sound. I keep my eyes closed, trying to listen to the conversation going on around me. The voices slowly fade in and I recognize one of the voices. I just can't think of who it is.

"Guys. She's waking up." I know that I can't hide from whoever is there any longer so I slowly open my eyes. As my vision comes into focus I see my mom and dad standing there. Along with my sister, Hailey, and Jackson. I look around at everyone, confusion still heavy on my brain.

"What happened? Why am I at the hospital?" My mother bursts out crying and she runs over to me, throwing her arms around me. I slowly wrap my arms around her, still looking around in confusion. I look over at my dad and see tears rolling down his face. He is standing with his arm around my sister. Her name is Keira and she is the sweetest person ever. She has a bit of an attitude towards me, but that's because we're related. I turn to look at Jackson and Hailey. Hailey is standing next to Jackson, crying softly. Jackson has his arms around her shoulders and is just looking at me, not crying at all. I lock eyes with him and he stares at me. I plead for help with my eyes and he understands. He slowly walks over to my mom and I, trying to be as quiet as possible. He gently grabs her shoulder and lifts her up, pulling her away from me. She turns around in confusion, her body still shaking with sobs.

"Mrs. Morris, I know how hard this is. But Peach needs some space. She needs someone to explain what is happening. You can comfort her as much as you want afterwards. Just let me explain to her." My mother nods and quickly walks over to my dad, who puts his arm around her shoulders and continues to stare at us. Jackson sits on the edge of my bed and places his hand over mine.

"Hey Peach. How are you feeling?" I smile weakly, locking eyes with him.

"I'm ok. I'm in pain. But I'm ok. What happened? I don't really remember anything." He looks down at our hands and smiles, a tear sliding slowly down his face. He looks back up at me, our eyes locking once again.

"Well, tell me the last thing you remember. I will fill in everything from there." I look down, concentrating hard on remembering.

"Well, I remember going to that party. And then I remember those challenges. I remember how Micheal forced himself onto me, and then I remember being on the bus. And getting back after that challenge. But I can't figure out what happens after that." He locks eyes with me again, tears rolling down his face.

"Well, after everyone woke up again you didn't have your contacts. You had to ask one of the guys for your glasses from Hailey's car. He got them for you and you put them on and were able to see again. You then got up and started helping people like you always do. Afterwards you came and sat down with me when Micheal walked in. He asked you to go and talk to him and you went after some hesitation. I don't know exactly what happened during that time but you somehow convinced him to call the police. He did and you came back in tears, saying goodbye to all of us. You said that he was gonna take you with him. We didn't want you to leave but he grabbed you and pulled you away. We don't know exactly what happened after that until we heard you screaming. We came around the house and saw you. Micheal was holding you off of the edge of the roof by some restraints he had on you. You two were yelling at each other but we couldn't really hear what you were saying. He then reached down and started choking you. You started squirming but eventually went still. We had all thought that you had died. Once he saw that you weren't moving he pulled you back up onto the rooftop. He gave you CPR until you started breathing again. He was arrested and you were brought to the hospital. Ever since then you have been asleep." All of a sudden my memory comes back crystal clear. Tears start to blur my eyes. I quickly wipe my hand across my eyes, trying to be able to see better. Everyone comes around and sits on or near my bed. My little sister, Keira, starts asking me something.

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